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How many chars/words do you add daily?

戴德辉   November 1st, 2012 1:27a.m.

I have my new words added automatically as I study in Skritter, and lately I've noticed a huge surge in the amount of new stuff I get. I studied today for 30 mins and I got 19 new characters and 32 new words added. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention before but this seems like a bit much.

I know of the many ways I can reduce the amount of stuff added but I'm not sure if I want to yet. I was curious how much stuff everyone else is adding daily and if anyone is just manually adding and how that's working for them.

Roland   November 1st, 2012 1:59a.m.

Since the IOS app is out, I have changed it to manually adding. I always try to keep the daily reviews at a max of about 400. Once it goes down towards 300, I manually add another 30 items via the IOS app (because it's so convenient, that you just can select the number of items to be added). This gives me another 4X30=120 reviews. This is quite OK for me, because these are mainly words from known characters. If there were unknown characters, I would only add 10 or max 20 items.
In this way, I have a very good control over my review queue.

Mandarinboy   November 1st, 2012 2:07a.m.

That is extremely individual i would say. Some are studying full time and can add much more, others are like me older and study whenever we find some time between work and child care. Anyway, I stick to add 4 characters / day. I do that manually and that is what I can manage in the time I have with good retention rate. I like to stay at 95% + and that is not optimal I know but it suits my way of learning. I have tried adding 10 / day as well and that do work but my retention went down way to much so it felt that i did not really know what i learnt well enough.

CC   November 1st, 2012 3:38a.m.

I have it set to add automatically, and some days I have loads of reviews and don't get any new words, other days I've had around 30. On days when I've added 30, I'm then still dealing with them the next day, so it's less likely that more will be added as my reviews will be higher.

I grade myself more on time spent (I'm getting older, and know my retention isn't as good!) My minumum every day is 30 minutes by the timer, but I prefer to get to an hour if I can - though some days life gets in the way. On days off from work I may get to 1 hour 30, but I think that's the maximum I've ever done.

Laurent Mattiussi   November 1st, 2012 5:40a.m.

Skritter is your e-consciousness. It knows how long you study everyday, how many items (words, characters, definitions, etc.) you learn, your retention rate, your good (and bad) habits. Knowing about you much more than yourself do, Skritter calculates, calculates, and recalculates. When you have a lot of reviews, Skritter adds a few items. When the number of your reviews diminishes, it adds more items. Simple, efficient, relaxing. I try to study regularly every day, and for the rest entirely rely on Skritter. It works very fine for me: I always have a good ratio reviews/added items.

lechuan   November 1st, 2012 6:06p.m.

I add manually add 10 per day, but ONLY if I'm sure I'll get through all reviews for the day.

If I have a pile of reviews due (like when I stop for a month, then find 1700 are due), I don't add any.

ddapore99   November 1st, 2012 7:32p.m.

I don't add unless I feel confident in knowing what I studied previously. The amount I add is usually between 2 to 5 words per week. I read somewhere that to get to a native 1st graders level of vocabulary (not kanji level) in 6 years you have to learn 20 new words a day. Unfortunately with my work the way it is now doing that much per day is near impossible.

roberg   November 5th, 2012 1:43a.m.

10, manually, after my reviews are done. This means roughly 20-30 minutes of Skritter per day, which is reasonable for me.

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