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I am now...

Byzanti   February 9th, 2010 7:21a.m.

...the proud owner of a Skritter T-Shirt. Thanks guys!

I'll be sure to wear it around. (No photos though, damned if I want my ugly mug on the internet).

戴莉絲婷   February 9th, 2010 2:51p.m.

Yep, love mine, too! :D

nick   February 9th, 2010 2:59p.m.

Great! Depending on distance, the other shirts should be arriving this week. Those shirts sent to China may talk a while longer, though, as there's an extra step involved.

For all T-shirt winners: if you do you want your mugs on the internet, please email us a photo of yourself wearing the shirt and being awesome so we can show off the shirts in the next newsletter (so before the 15th).

Byzanti, if you want, you could just sent a photo of the shirt doing something awesome.

gloria   February 9th, 2010 3:46p.m.

Love the T-shirt! Thank you.

esther   February 9th, 2010 4:14p.m.

Got mine too.非常感谢!

arp   February 10th, 2010 7:01a.m.


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