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Scheduling error?

Hobbes828   February 12th, 2010 9:06p.m.

hey, i think i am encountering a kind of scheduling error, figured i would report it.

basically with some words i have added in the last couple days, I have marked them as yellow right away, or on the 2nd/3rd try, but have gotten the tone wrong on those characters

since that time, i have continually seen the word come back and ask for my tones, but not for the characters, even with words where I have never once written it correctly

i can understand why maybe the first time the tone would be scheduled first, but you would think by the 2nd,3rd,etc. time (whether i got the tones right or wrong) the writing would be 'ready' enough that it should at least come together, right?

nick   February 15th, 2010 10:13p.m.

I'll check into this one soon and let you know. It should work as you describe. I have an idea of what might be failing, so hopefully it will not be tough to fix.

Hobbes828   February 15th, 2010 11:40p.m.

yeah it is still happening as far as i can tell, definitely seems to be noticeable when i mark a character in a two+ character word as yellow (2) and then I miss one or more tones for the word. It seems to eventually work out on later repetitions, so maybe just the first tone miss is scheduled too fast or I need to just learn to mark it as red if i miss the first time.

sarac   February 16th, 2010 1:05p.m.

I have a sense the same thing is happening to me - or a variant of it. It seems that when I miss a tone (especially for those troublesome multi-toned chars) the tone practice for that word/char comes back an inordinate number of times. Maybe my distaste for practicing tones affects my perception of this but I sometimes think I never practice the writing of a such a character, I just keep getting the tone practice. I am interested to find out if you find a bug or if it's just my poor tone memory haunting me.

nick   February 17th, 2010 5:33p.m.

I checked and the scheduling for a new item that you mark yellow the first time should be about 1.4 days, give or take. It will get studied along with a due tone if it's 80% ready or more. So, depending on your particular scheduling interval and some randomness, I wouldn't expect you to see the writing with the tone until 27 hours after it's introduced. Does that jive with what you're seeing, Hobbes?

The solution if you want to see a new character before about 1.4 days from introduction is to mark it red instead of yellow. Or we could reconsider what we want a yellow grade on a new item to mean for scheduling, if that doesn't make sense to people.

Sarac, I think it's the tone memory causing the haunting. The kitten keeps adjusting your tone intervals downward so that you'll have a decent chance of remembering afterward. It's trying to hit your desired retention rate for tones, so when you fall short of that (and are reviewing something on time), it tries to compensate.

If you had a separate control for desired retention rate for tones, you could set that lower, but then you'd get even more of them wrong. Perhaps you can share what makes tone reviews so distasteful--is it just that you forget them more frequently than writing reviews?

sarac   February 18th, 2010 11:34p.m.

I think I struggle with tones because I focus on writing: I have memory tricks for them, have strategies for them, think about radical and sound implications for recalling them. For tone I rely more on instinct and recall of sound... and luck. It's just me, nothing Skritter can really fix, oh though I wish for tones to be magically easy. Yes, I just forget them more frequently.

Hobbes828   February 19th, 2010 2:42a.m.

I actually feel somewhat similarly to sarac, haha, but I too blame it on my real life tone inabilities and figure it is a sign I should say the words out loud more and try to get my tones straight, so I'm ok with it.

@nick Yeah I guess that is about what I see, a day or so later the writing reappears, I guess I did assume a yellow on a new character would be a little shorter than that, but I can (hopefully) adjust my study habits to mark more characters red at the start. Thanks for the clarification!

Hobbes828   February 19th, 2010 3:44a.m.

or maybe i spoke too soon because the last 5 or 6 words i added i definitely marked as red (at least most of them), but I have now studied the tones 3-5 times on each word and have yet to write the words again. This is different than before though and might have to do with today's updates?

Byzanti   February 19th, 2010 7:21a.m.

This is why we need colours for tones ;p.

I've given up on tones for individual characters. Only pay attention to those in words. Easier and more useful that way.

nick   February 19th, 2010 11:38a.m.

Hobbes, can you give some examples of words like that so that I can check them out (including what day and time they were added)?

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