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Never been tested on externally added vocab

阿軒   February 24th, 2010 8:33p.m.


I just noticed that I have never been tested on vocab I add from mdbg.net.

It happened before my account expired, but right now I am wondering if it is because I am not paying.

faceleg   February 24th, 2010 8:50p.m.

It's happening because you're not paying.

faceleg   February 24th, 2010 8:51p.m.

What Paying Gets You

Unfettered Adding Power. Words will continue to be added from active lists and from your queue.
Company Endurance +1. Your payments help pay for the basic living expenses of three people. Your support lets us continue improving Skritter!
Future Features. All features added during your purchased time will be accessible to you during that time. We may add a premium subscription system later on, but if that does happen we promise to let you know which features will eventually be premium as they are created.


nick   February 24th, 2010 8:53p.m.

Yes, I suppose the "Added to your queue" page given from MDBG and the bookmarklet should mention that. It will go into your Queue, which is like a catch-all list of miscellaneous vocab yet to be added:

It doesn't go into the general pool of all things you're studying right away. You do have to have an active subscription in order to add new words. Without one, you can do pretty much everything else, including reviewing your words.

阿軒   February 25th, 2010 1:24a.m.

Ok. Well I was intending to pay but my credit line is not in good shape right now, haha ~ :(
I thought it was only from the lists, and not the manually added vocabulary. Not trying to be picky here, but maybe the billing page should mention that manually won't work either?

Thanks for the replies!

Hobbes828   February 25th, 2010 7:58a.m.

that is the "from your queue" part that it does state. Your queue is the manually added words including, as Nick stated above, the MDBG and bookmarklet words.

Hope your credit gets in shape soon so you can keep knocking down characters :)

nick   February 25th, 2010 8:54a.m.

Saw you subscribed, helixness--thanks for your support!

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