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Automatic grading as "So-so" or "Too simple"

Foo Choo Choon   December 28th, 2012 4:58p.m.

For the first time, Skritter is marking many characters automatically as "Too simple" and "So-so".

I am used to adjusting the grading manually, but now it needs to be done a lot more often. I don't use "Too simple" out of principle and, in my case, all characters that are assigned "So-so" correspond to "Unknown". In fact, many "Too simple" are "So-so".

Is it because I changed my Flash player or is it a general change?

Foo Choo Choon   December 29th, 2012 2:10a.m.

"Too simple" appears to be distributed almost randomly, almost equally often for easy as for difficult or forgotten characters. Since I need to change it almost each time, this makes reviewing a lot more time-consuming.

For single characters, using the keyboard speeds up re-grading. But for multi-character words the "Too simple" grading of single characters usually cannot be changed manually. The grading of the complete words is entirely flawed.

I still hope this turns out to be a bug that can be reverted quickly. If it was a conscious change then I hope there will be the option to turn of automatic grading.

nick   December 29th, 2012 11:06a.m.

Hmm--can you tell me when exactly the grade changes? I haven't made any change that does automatic too-easy grading, and on Flash, the only thing that should trigger character-level so-so is to semi-animate the stroke order to just show a couple strokes.

One thing that might be happening is if you are pressing C or , to cycle the word-level grading...

Foo Choo Choon   December 29th, 2012 11:43a.m.

Fortunately, the new grading mechanism was a bug and not a feature. Here's the reason and perhaps a way to replicate it:

Using Chrome 23.0.1271.97 m, I have one PPAPI instance of Flash in my Chrome AppData directory (Shockwave Flash 11.5 r31) and one NPAPI instance of Flash in my Windows directory (Shockwave Flash 11.5 r502). Since this redundancy leads to random crashes I recently turned off the AppData Flash ("停用" in chrome://plugins/). This is precisely the point at which Skritter grading went crazy.

Now I have turned off the other instance of Flash and Skritter grading appears to work as it should.

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