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cram list problem

sarac   February 26th, 2010 9:03a.m.

I know this has been mentioned before and that Nick commented on the fix or why it isn't being fixed but I don't remember what was said and cannot find the forum topic that addresses it... so, apologies for my repetition.

It used to be that one could go through a whole cram list and then the ones that weren't correct were queued up again. I liked that because I got a second chance on the ones I missed.

However, now the writing and tone (from the first pass) are remembered so when that old, missed one comes up again, the character is staring right at me. Then it makes no sense to try again. Yes, I can reload the whole list and skip through to the ones I don't recall and that's what I do but the old way was more effective.

Please remind me what's up with this?

nick   February 26th, 2010 9:35a.m.

It's not an easy fix in the new system, and the next thing we're doing after credit card stuff is to make cram obsolete any way, so it's staying broken for now. Sorry! The new mode will be a lot better.

stelingo   February 26th, 2010 6:18p.m.

Do you mean you are getting rid of cram altogether? I hope not.

scott   February 26th, 2010 7:45p.m.

I'm currently finishing up the new payment system (see blog) then comes selling wacoms, and after that I'll start doing a bunch of general vocab system overhauls.

The first overhaul is going to be the ability to study at different levels. You will be able to study everything (like you do now), a single list, a single section of a list, or a set of words you input on the fly. Everything will use the same scheduling system. And the ability to study smaller sets of words will replace the current cram system. So instead of having a separate set of cram lists (which is confusing), there will be only one kind of vocab list, and you'll be able to study any given list to the exclusion of all else. How does that sound?

stelingo   February 26th, 2010 7:56p.m.

The books I use for studying Chinese aren't on any of the Skritter lists. So when I start a new lesson, I create a cram list for the new hanzi in order to familiarise myself with them. Once I've worked through the cram list a few times I then use the normal practice page. Will I be able to do this when you have the new system up and running?

scott   February 26th, 2010 9:11p.m.

I think the last option, on the fly mode, should work fine for you. That's where you drop a set of words in for study directly into practice.

stelingo   February 27th, 2010 8:10a.m.

OK, thanks

sarac   March 22nd, 2010 9:06p.m.

I am going over old forum topics and this one on the main forum page says there are 17 posts, the latest at 8 hours ago. I see 6 posts and the last is dated Feb 27. Maybe some have been deleted? But that is off topic.

On topic: I use cram lists, like others, for a test but also because I like the positive feedback from successfully mastering a smaller set of characters and words than score well on my whole list of chars/words. Pretty weak, I suppose, that I need the affirmation of getting everything correct on a list of 20 words/chars correct instead of plowing through my review list and accepting the "forgotten" red color on an uncomfortably large set of words/chars.

So, your flexibility of allowing users to review at different levels will pretty much satisfy my wishes. I can choose a list or a section (chapter of a book), good.

I wonder about selecting "on the fly". When I look at my vocabulary list with the viewer (there is no other means of looking at my entire list, right?), I am a bit daunted. I think it would be *really* helpful if at the top you showed the total number of entries (total chars and total words) and some average "level of knowing"... so I have some measure of the sort of mountain I am facing. Then I'd like to be able to sort in different ways (which you allow) and I cannot think of other ways to sort that I might like except "date added".

BTW: but the one that is most difficult to figure is "time spent" I cannot figure out what that really is since I see many quoting 2x minutes but the upper limit on the clock is 30 secs, I think. I guess because my life has distractions (kids, hunger...) I must go away a lot so I "spend" a lot of time on some words/chars.

I am looking forward to the new feature of studying list selections, thanks.

nick   March 23rd, 2010 9:11a.m.

For some reason, this thread is getting hit hard with spam. I've figured out that it ends every post with "and", so I'm filtering that. I'm also changing it so that comment count is decreased when I delete a spam. The thread will still show up as updated when a spam is posted, though.

Your list stats suggestions are good; I'm not sure how well we can do them, but will think about it.

Time spent refers to total time spent, not just on the last review. And multiple-character words of length n have 30n second time limits per review (for writing; 15n for tone).

auto and mortgage debt consolida   March 24th, 2010 3:58p.m.

Aloha! and equity indexed life insurance problems and mortgage with no credit score and acknowledgement of debt and french flower names and auto insurance owner welcome and

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