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Banned Words

lechuan   January 15th, 2013 9:44p.m.

Would oit be possible to do the following with banned words?

1) Reset banned words' scores.

I banned a fair number of words, and I am now re-studying them and unbanning them. It's a fair bit of micromanagement to remember which words are just unbanned when doing reviews so that I remember to mark them wrong the first time. (The reason I want to mark them wrong the first time is that some of the banned words had been marked correct before I banned them a few months ago. After studying and unbanning, I don't want to mark it right and the have the scheduler put it far in the future).

2) Delete banned words that don't exist in my lists.

I banned a number of words in a list, then decided I don't want to study that list anymore. Now my banned list is cluttered with a whole bunch of words from that old list, making it harder to fnd leeches that I banned and want to unban). Is there a way to get rid of these words?


nick   January 16th, 2013 12:05a.m.

We've considered both these features a couple times before, but ultimately decided not to do them in order to cut down the complexity.

Another way to deal with unbanned words is to star them and then do some study on all your stars, so that it's clear that these guys were just unbanned.

lechuan   January 24th, 2013 1:47a.m.

Even if I star and study (and unstar all the other words I starred for different reasons), doesn't the scheduler space apart the different test types so that I'll see these characters in different test types over the span of a few days?

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