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男尊女卑: nánzūnnǚbēi

Ibid   March 3rd, 2010 12:03p.m.

男尊女卑: nánzūnnǚbēi has an incorrect definition. It currently reads, "Parents make decisions concerning their children's marriages", but should instead read, "Social status of men and women in traditional society; (lit.) to consider men as inferior and women as inferior"

Also, are there any plans to provide an easy-access input system for making suggested corrections to tones, definitions, or stroke orders for different characters?

Ibid   March 3rd, 2010 12:04p.m.

Make that "(lit.) to consider men as superior and women as inferior"

Xerxes314   March 3rd, 2010 1:01p.m.

At the bottom right corner of the Skritter panel, there's a button labeled Feedback.

nick   March 3rd, 2010 2:00p.m.

Fixed that one up for you. There are plans for providing user-editable definition from the practice page, including submitting corrections there, but we've got a few other things to do first. Other than that, the feedback tab is the easiest way.

ximeng   March 3rd, 2010 2:42p.m.

I didn't know that phrase. For fun, here's another with the smae meaning: 重男轻女 and one with the opposite meaning: 阴盛阳衰.

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