First of all I'd like to commend the developers of this site for undertaking such a massive task (i.e. programming custom flash modules for thousands of individual Chinese characters) and creating an awesome study tool for those of us toiling through the process of learning one of the hardest languages in the world. In just a few short days of using the site I've definitely noticed an impact on my writing abilities, i.e. stroke order mistakes that I've never been aware of in the past are getting slowly corrected. I think it's fair to say I'm addicted!
Now then, I do have a question and some suggestions for the developers:
1. I have a single list of vocab that I'm drawing from at the moment for practice, and I've set the Add Word Frequency to "Early and Often" (after looking for a loooong time and finally finding this setting in "account settings" of all places). However when I go to practice, I only get a set of about 8 words which constantly repeat themselves, even if I get them all right I still get the same set of 8 words unless I manually refresh the page, in which case I just get another 8 words. I assumed that the software would look at which words I get right and naturally swap those out for new words that haven't yet been tested or haven't been tested in X amount of time? How exactly does this whole process work? How many times do I have to write a word correctly before it's "learned"? To me, if I write a word correctly the first time it should be automatically counted as "learned", but that doesn't seem to be the case. I read through the entire site for info on this and found no basic description of exactly what is supposed to be going on during the practice sessions. In the end I'm just getting frustrated without any kind of real feeling of progress.
I tried changing to "manually add words to practice", assuming that the little green plus sign would let me add new words to my practice queue, but it simply goes gray after starting a session. The "X to review" number seems to jump around randomly, and I see no way to find out exactly where this number is coming from. Additionally the page is showing "added 4" constantly, but which 4 words were added? Every time I refresh the page I get 8 or so different words. And again, no matter how long I write the same 8 words, I never see any new ones without reloading.
For what it's worth, here's how I envision the learning process would work best, at least for me:
The software looks at my entire vocabulary pool and generates a score for each word based on percentage of times the word was written incorrectly (no impact if it has never been written), and the amount of time elapsed since the word was last tested. As I continue practicing, the software automatically draws from my vocabulary pool in order of the aforementioned score. In this way I can write as few or as many characters as I want in a given session and always be guaranteed to be testing the characters I need to learn the most at any given time. It would be helpful and easy at this point to offer some kind of "meter" that shows where the word I am currently writing relatively fits in this score range. If I'm on a "high-score" character that I've written incorrectly 60% of the time, and hasn't been written in 2 weeks, it's safe to say there would probably be many other "high score" words in my queue, and the meter could display as "full", meaning I have a lot of work to do to lower the scores of these relatively difficult words. If I keep up with my reviews, and the current word I'm working on is one that I've written a week ago and written correctly 95% of the time, the meter would read closer to "empty", as there are fewer words in the pool that badly need to be reviewed.
The next point I want to make has to do with the price setup for the site. In my strong opinion, $9.99 a month is far, far too expensive and I truly believe this pricing scheme will turn away a great number of customers - in the end I think you will lose money by charging this much. Your learning system is intended to work over long periods of time - months, and for those of us who stick with learning the language, years.
By setting a montly fee instead of a one time flat rate fee, as a potential customer I immediately start calculating in my head - $120 a year.. $600 for 5 years (the average time it takes for someone to get decently fluent in Chinese). Ouch.
Undoubtedly your software took immense time and resources to develop and you should be rewarded for that - but $600 for 5 years of usage is downright scary. Personally I would feel a lot more comfortable paying a one time fee of $50-$100 for a lifetime subscription to the service. But if you insist on a montly price scheme, $3-5 a month would be a much easier pill to swallow.
Look at the Iphone games market as an example - the top developers are making millions by selling games for $1 to very high percentages of Iphone owners. You could do the same - become the indispensible tool for Chinese learners by making the price so low you'd be stupid not to use the service. The question of course is, at a price point of $5 a month does your market increase by at least 2 times? Yes I think it absolutely would. Where the optimum profit line lies if you graphed this out is impossible to know but I can tell you it is not at $9.99 a month.
Back to the one-time payment pricing model, one benefit to you would be not having to worry about competetitors taking your current customers - if I'm only on a monthly pricing plan, and a competitor comes along with a better deal, I'll jump ship right away. On the other hand, if you've already gotten my $50 up front, whether or not any competitors come into the picture later is a moot point, at least as far as your established customer base is concerned. Your first in the race to create a learning tool like this and if I were you I'd be interested in getting as much up front as possible.
The other benefit is exploiting the vast majority of learners who, at the beginning of the learning process, have great expectations for themselves and "know" that they'll stick with the program for years, making the up front payment of $X easily worth it, and 4 weeks down the road realize they aren't as interested as they thought they would be. This is why most gym memberships tend to be based in years rather than months.
Obviously it's your business to run but I think you have incredible potential with this site so I wanted to make clear my feelings on this in detail. So enough with that. :)
One other point - you definitely need to make the "help" section much more prominent on the site. Right now the way everything is set up, it is very difficult to figure out exactly how to use the site, and the only way to learn about how to use it is to click a tiny help link on the bottom of the page. Even then most of the information is outdated and seemingly pertains to an older version of the site. At the very least I would suggest having a basic getting started page that goes through the basics of adding vocab and various settings for practicing, explaining how everything words as opposed to simply detailing what various options mean.
Whew - that's all I've got for now - thanks for reading/helping!