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Items showing up in list as 2-9 years away from being tested

drvelocity   March 10th, 2010 9:22p.m.

As the subject says - I believe this is a bug due to the app using my machine's local date (mistakingly set to 2002) to determine the actual date. Could I trouble someone to go into the database and wipe the history on all of the characters on my list, so I can just start over fresh? Or is there a way to do that myself? I tried deleting and reimporting but the previous usage data still shows up for all of the words.

drvelocity   March 10th, 2010 9:50p.m.

Never mind - I found the option to nuke my list, my bad!

digilypse   March 10th, 2010 10:48p.m.

I'm experiencing the same problems but have always had the same (correct) computer date.

dert   March 10th, 2010 11:44p.m.

I, too, have experienced this. I was under the impression that instead of a bug, this is simply because the words/chars that get practiced so often eventually have SRS test dates of several years. In my list, 人,大,and 不 are scheduled in 9 years. Other very common hanzi are scheduled for 6, 4, 3, 2, and 1.5 years. I wouldn't _want_ to see those for that long; I write them all the time as parts of different words. I'd bet that 9 years is the top limit in skritter.

digilypse   March 10th, 2010 11:58p.m.

So, if you write a character often as part of different words that will change how often the single character entry is shown? That makes more sense then, the character I was thinking about about was 体.

drvelocity   March 11th, 2010 5:18a.m.

Hmm, to me the system seems a bit flawed then, as I guarantee a high percentage of words I might "know" how to write today (perhaps because I just wrote it 10 times in a row to get it to "learned status") will be totally forgotten in 3 weeks, let alone 9 years. I thought the point of the SRS system was to reintroduce words/characters right before you might forget, supposedly a week out from the last time you saw it, etc.?

drvelocity   March 11th, 2010 6:09a.m.

Or maybe this NORMALLY should only happen in cases where you have single character words that, as you say, are part of other words that you've recently written. But in my case it was due to the local time bug? I say this because after I reset everything, things seem to be working perfectly, I've practiced through 80 words and each one is set to appear again in 1-3 days, perfect!

scott   March 11th, 2010 11:10a.m.

Yes, I imagine the scheduling was a bit messed up by the computer local time bug. Sorry you had to start over!

And that sounds about right, that words you see repeatedly because they are all over the place being scheduled as far in the future as possible. If you see a character as part of a larger word, the character will be pushed further ahead as well. And yes, 10 years is the maximum allowed time you can have something scheduled in the future.

So sounds like everything is working the way it should for now!

drvelocity   March 11th, 2010 11:57a.m.

Thanks Scott for confirming this for me. I think I've finally got a firm grasp on Skritter and I am absolutely LOVING it. Keep up the great work!

egmms   March 11th, 2010 12:15p.m.

yea yea wat eva i dont like the libraiean

egmms   March 11th, 2010 12:16p.m.

i love my school though

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