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Hours Studied mismatch?

nomadwolf   February 19th, 2013 1:29a.m.

I copy my weekly stats to a spreadsheet for my own pretty graphing & stats. However I notice a big discrepancy in the hours studied compared to the "total hours" listed in my lifetime stats on the site.

I've gone back and re-confirmed all of the weekly "time studied" since I started Skritter, and it totals up to 65.47 up to now.
However the website has me down at 79.4 hours. Why such a large discrepancy?

(Time zones have been discussed recently... I only changed zones (from Taiwan to US and back) in July/August of last year, but I wouldn't expect that to cause this... But it is a possibility since the time difference between Chicago & Taiwan is 14 hours, which matches the discrepancy exactly.
But that difference is only in the winter... in summer (when I visited) it's 13 hour difference..

dontom   February 21st, 2013 8:07a.m.

I notice that my actual time spent using the program and that which is recorded is quite different. That which is recorded is an underestimate. Maybe total hours is a more accurate representation of time spent studying than the weekly totals?

nomadwolf   February 21st, 2013 8:11a.m.

I don't know, something's goofy. If I look at the Yearly stats and add up the hours for each month, it matches the site total... but it's all gotta come from the same data source... it's just a matter of how you slice & dice (and add) it up.

The weekly hours matches the sum of the daily hours, but how can the monthly hours be more than the sum of all of the daily hours? (I didn't calculate this, but it must be so).

(Actually, with my "Yearly" revelation above, it means that my time zone theory can't quite work, since the 14 time-zone hours would all fall in a single month, and none of my months are above 15 hours)

nick   February 21st, 2013 8:46p.m.

Have you ever used the progress recalculator feature?

nomadwolf   February 21st, 2013 8:54p.m.

I use it weekly for the past couple months... Didn't use it for the 6 months of skritter...

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