I copy my weekly stats to a spreadsheet for my own pretty graphing & stats. However I notice a big discrepancy in the hours studied compared to the "total hours" listed in my lifetime stats on the site.
I've gone back and re-confirmed all of the weekly "time studied" since I started Skritter, and it totals up to 65.47 up to now.
However the website has me down at 79.4 hours. Why such a large discrepancy?
(Time zones have been discussed recently... I only changed zones (from Taiwan to US and back) in July/August of last year, but I wouldn't expect that to cause this... But it is a possibility since the time difference between Chicago & Taiwan is 14 hours, which matches the discrepancy exactly.
But that difference is only in the winter... in summer (when I visited) it's 13 hour difference..