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Still confused about lists

ZaiMu   February 27th, 2013 9:33p.m.

So I'm starting with Skritter late in my quarter. I think this may be just the liferaft I need to survive my Chinese class.

We are on chapter 9 of the our text and I started studying that in Skritter, but if I want to focus on certain words I know will be on the exams from previous chapters, what is the best way?

I tried the scratchpad, but those don't persist, and I'd like to keep practicing a subset of the words in my main list from day to day.

If I add them to a new list, Skritter warns me those words already exist because they are in my main list. What are the consquences of adding them again? Then I can study just that list before the test.

Any suggestions very welcome. Thanks.

XLeration   February 28th, 2013 7:29a.m.

In the faq it says skitter will not make duplicate words for you to learn, so making new lists with the same words will have no bad consequences.

If there are words in the new list which you already know skitter will not ask them until they are due, because you already know them. other words which you dont know yet will of course be asked, even if they are in your main list.

basically if you need a certain list for your test just put in all words in the list you need and start studying, no need to worry about anything.

DependableSkeleton   February 28th, 2013 10:24a.m.

In the iOS app, you can study individual lists if you want to focus on them.

On the website, you can study individual lists and/or individual sections of lists.

As XLeration says, there is no problem to have words appearing in multiple lists/sections. You can tailor your cramming in this way.

In addition to cramming individual lists/sections, it is a good idea to "Study All" and clear the reviews there every day.

ZaiMu   February 28th, 2013 5:16p.m.

Thanks for the advice, guys... that helps set my mind at ease that I'm doing it right.

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