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Rarely displays certain words

Mattttttttttttt   March 7th, 2013 12:08a.m.

I am using the mobile app, and when I study a list sometimes it will only ask me a word once or twice and never show it again. How do I fix this?

Using it to study Chinese on an iPhone 5.

Roland   March 7th, 2013 1:20a.m.

When you see a new item and you get it right the first time, Skritter assumes that you already know it well, so it will be pushed back. And if you get it right the second time, you will not see it again for a long time. Therefore, when reviewing a new item for the first time, I press forget, even if I know it, unless it is really something well known for me and I want to get it out of my way.

Maaattttttt   March 7th, 2013 1:49a.m.

What if I got it wrong? They are new words and I haven't learned them yet because Skritter only brought them up once or twice. I see words repeatedly that I have gotten right and clicked easy multiple times. Multiple as in at least 10.

Roland   March 7th, 2013 2:28a.m.

Sorry, this I don't know. I also encountered this recently with some words, which I got wrong once and, although I got it right, are coming up again and again (Nick, if you read this, one example in my list is Egypt, 埃及).

Mattttttttttttt   March 7th, 2013 2:50a.m.

It's very frustrating since the words I need to review never show up! Hopefully someone else will chime in.

nomadwolf   March 7th, 2013 5:21a.m.

Matt, can you provide Nick examples of some of the words? Then he can check on your specific situation.

Also, on the website, if you go to "my words" and click on those specific words, the popup will tell you when it is next due for studying.

learninglife   March 7th, 2013 7:49a.m.

Dont panic. The words are in the system and in time they will come back. Trust is important.

You can still review a certain list of words where the probability that these words show up is higher.

mgong88   March 7th, 2013 8:52p.m.

The words that never popped up are


There might be more. This is out of a list of 49 words. They mostly say they are ready to be reviewed again, and some of them say under the "Last" Column that they are new definitions or tones. I guess that means I never went over them. I ended up going back to pen and paper. I used the program for 3 or 4 hours yesterday seeing some words around 50-75 times. Any help would be appreciated.

I'm not one to panic if the program isn't working. If I need to I will go back to paper. It's just annoying since I am paying for it. Regardless I will continue to use it, because it did show most of the words and I learned them 100% in two days.

nick   March 7th, 2013 9:13p.m.

You can look at the individual parts' review stats for any item by going to My Words, searching for the word, and click on it to get to its word popup. Roland, using this method, I see that the writing for 埃及 has 12 successes out of 20 reviews (60% success rate), and 12 of 24 for definitions, which would explain why you keep seeing it. You say you only got it wrong once--could there have been some mistake with Skritter's grading?

mgong88, can you describe in more detail what steps you took in order to study? (Were you using iOS or web, did you study all My Words or just a single list, etc.?) Also, which words did you see 50-75 times?

mgong88   March 7th, 2013 9:29p.m.

Hi Nick,

I was having older words come up too much, so I nuked everything and made one list of 59 words. I did this mostly on my iPhone 5. I only studied traditional characters. Some of the words I see frequently are 需要,或是,要是,过,坐,汽车,多久。 They are mostly the very first words. Choosing easy as opposed to "Got it" didn't change the frequency that I saw them.


nick   March 7th, 2013 11:21p.m.

I see. Did you do "Advanced Study" on the single list, or did you use the normal Study to hit all the words? It might be this bug in Advanced Study that we're trying to track down.

mgong88   March 8th, 2013 12:02a.m.

I switched between both in an attempt to see the other words. I believe I did normal study first. Neither showed the missing words.

Roland   March 8th, 2013 12:06a.m.

there seems to be something wrong. I'm now getting items which are 0% due, e.g. the definition of 百忙之中, 碰壁 and others, all in a row. It says: studied 35 min ago, not due (0%), but it cam up again. I'm now on the web app, so I see this.
Same with the pinyin for 叙旧, not due(1%), it should only come in 4 days, but it came again now.
Just now, the majority of items coming up are all not due.
Current response time is between 1000 and 2000 milliseconds, reviews for saving sometimes 10, 20 or 30.

Roland   March 8th, 2013 2:25a.m.

Now, this problem is gone. Seems, it was a server or connection problem.

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