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HSK 4 only 600 words?

Yanick   March 21st, 2013 3:25a.m.

Hey everyone,

I just saw that the HSK 4 List has only 600 words. Therefore I am wondering if these include the ones from HSK 1,2 and 3 or whether its only the new ones not already included in the HSK lists before that?

It seems not complete to me cause I know of 1200 words being required for the HSK 4 test.

Thanks for clarification,


CC   March 21st, 2013 3:42a.m.

It includes 1,2 and 3 as well.

1 is 150
2 is 150 new
3 is 300 new
4 is 600 new

So, 4, in total is 1200 as you thought.

Yanick   March 21st, 2013 7:35a.m.

Thanks for your reply. So in order to get the total 1,200 words that are required for HSK 4 I will need to study the lists of HSK 1,2 and 3 first before I do 4, as 4 is not the total list of 1200 words.

Maybe I did not make myself clear enough but your answer clarified my question nonetheless. Thanks a lot :)

Alan   March 23rd, 2013 3:14p.m.

Yes, the HSK levels are cumulative, so to study for HSK 4 you'd need to know the words in all four lists 1-4. The HSK words are roughly in frequency order, so the early levels have much more frequently used words than the later levels.

There is link to an Excel file at the bottom of this page which shows the words for all HSK levels:


By the way, the official Skritter HSK lists are a bit out of date. I added some new lists recently based on the Excel file at that link. There's a post about this with links to the lists that is still on the forum front page.

Oh and by the way, don't worry too much if the number of words in the lists is off by a few; the offical HSK lists do slightly strange things such as counting "因为。。。所以。。。" as one word, and listing a few words that have more than one pronunciation and/or meaning more than once.

I don't know about HSK 4, but for levels 1-3 there are also some example sentences provided which illustrate different grammatical patterns. I have created a text file of these with translations to use as Pleco flashcards (the sentences are a bit too long to be learned with Skritter)- email me if you are interested.

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