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Missing Shuffle Feature

Chris D.   March 25th, 2010 3:06p.m.

I was disappointed to see the shuffle feature has been removed. I relied on this feature a lot to help strengthen my ability to recall characters out of context. Going through the same order when recalling a list of characters makes it more difficult to remember the characters when you encounter them 'in the wild'. I really hope this feature will return in some form or another soon.

nick   March 25th, 2010 3:32p.m.

If you're in the scratchpad without progress tracking, you still have the shuffle feature. If you're on the scratchpad with progress, or are studying a section or list, then instead of going through the items either in order or in random order like with the old cram mode, they're ordered according to readiness, so it uses the same spaced repetition goodness as the main practice.

We see this as universally better: the items are ordered by how much you need to review them, which is surely better than random? Perhaps I misunderstand.

Chris D.   March 25th, 2010 3:44p.m.


You are right, after going through the list a few times I can see that the order does change. However for some reason the very last character in my list never comes up.

Chris D.   March 25th, 2010 3:54p.m.


Just got your email concerning the last character issue. Thanks!

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