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Do 度過 and 渡過 have the same meaning

雅各   April 23rd, 2010 10:50p.m.

Trying to work out if I should learn 度過 or 渡過 or both:


雅各   April 23rd, 2010 10:51p.m.

Both words are so rare they almost never appear in movie subtitles. I wonder if one could be a typo of the other (ie a mis-selection when using the chinese IME)

雅各   April 23rd, 2010 10:52p.m.

Even though they are rare the word is in one of the childrens books i am reading so I need to learn it (:

雅各   April 24th, 2010 12:00a.m.

This page has a clue however I can't read it (:


jcraigie   April 24th, 2010 12:03a.m.

From searching around on baidu, this is the idea i get:

度过 :used only for passing time, ie. i passed my youth there (我在那里度过了青少年时代)

渡过 :can be used in two places:
1) passing through space, ie. crossing a river (渡过黄河)
2) passing through a difficult time/experience, ie. 渡过难关

Hope this helps!

雅各   April 24th, 2010 2:25a.m.

Cool, my chinese is not good enough to be able to read much on baidu yet so thats helpful! thanks.

elmiguel   May 3rd, 2010 8:42p.m.

。。。度过 is for passing time,
渡过 is for something , 难关 also means problem。

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