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New practice page helps with self motivation

雅各   April 28th, 2010 7:05p.m.

Just wanted to comment on the new site design after more of a while using it. Now that it has become easy to SRS custom lists, I am finding it much more motivating and satisfying to study, as it adds the element of "completing a list".

It had previously just seemed like a never ending stream of words that I do need to know for some reason or another, now I have manageable blocks that have a specific time sensitive purpose that have a tangible reward for completion (ie being able to order at a restaurant, or being able to understand all of the words in a song, etc...)

My new study pattern is to review all old stuff, then pick a list! (:

jww1066   April 28th, 2010 9:07p.m.

I completely agree. My reward for finishing everything in my queue is to study a new section. Finishing a section is VERY satisfying. THAT should merit some sound effects, by the way. And finishing a whole list should unlock some kind of awesome video with a dragon and a bomb going off or something rad like that.

murrayjames   April 28th, 2010 9:31p.m.

+1 for dragons and bombs

nick   April 28th, 2010 10:06p.m.

You shouldn't encourage me.

jww1066   April 28th, 2010 10:49p.m.

OK and what about flames and lightning bolts that lick out around the practice square and and as you get closer and closer to finishing the flames and lightning bolts get stronger and stronger and the screen starts to shake until when you finally finish the list, it shatters into a million pieces like that phantom zone glass thing from Superman II (you know, "Kneel before Zod!")...

Heh heh heh....


west316   April 28th, 2010 11:57p.m.

On the one hand, with dragons and bombs Skritter's academic credibility just went out the window. On the other hand, its geek fun level would go up through the roof.

Plus another vote for Dragons and bombs.

ktvxiaojie   April 29th, 2010 6:15a.m.

But I thought academic credibility went hand-in-hand with geek fun, west316!

While on this topic, can I vote against any sort of pretentious "Chinese-y" instrumental music among the sound effects? Seems like every Chinese learning site online these days has that music incorporated somewhere, as though it adds to the site's credibility. I'd hate to have to listen to it on Skritter, too!

In summary: I agree with xkfowboa. And I'd appreciate some dragons and bombs. And hellfire. Lots of hellfire.

jww1066   April 29th, 2010 8:46a.m.

I also vote against saccharine Chinese pop and Beijing Opera. Is there any Chinese metal you can get the rights to?

nick   April 29th, 2010 6:04p.m.

I'm just trying to fix boring bugs, improve usability, and implement mnemonics, decomps, and custom definitions over here, and you guys are wafting the sweet scents of geekster eggs over my keyboard. No! I must resist the temptation!

I mustn't even do a quick search for dragon bombing materials.

Or freely available Chinese metal.

Nicki   April 30th, 2010 12:32p.m.

ha, nice.

Tove   May 1st, 2010 7:38a.m.


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