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couple bugs?

Hobbes828   May 24th, 2010 7:46a.m.

1. I just got an update from Skritter that said I'm now at 2004 characters learned and 2612 words and 2034 tones. Problem is I have only added 1997 characters and learned 1987 if i look at my progress, added 2600 words and learned 2588, but tones are right with 2034 learned out of 2088 added.

I noticed this at least with the characters the last 1 or 2 times as well...

2. I re-added a list which i had edited (added to the end), but I get the impression that skritter, which had to start again from the start, is checking the list for new items and jumping up a bit, then perhaps counting that as a chance to add a word (so i add words less frequently when it is the turn from another active list). Back in the day i remember it almost hanging as it zoomed all the way up to the first word yet to be added. Now I have practiced couple hundred items and it still hasn't gotten close to catching up (and the list is fairly short).

bonus - the ordering seems a bit weird - i am getting like readiness percentage steadily going down then suddenly 100++ items later it jumps back up to much more ready items (say 300% when it was just going down from 120 to 119). And it's not like they "just got ready" since there are a bunch and were actually always more ready than the first bunch i studied.

those are some vague bug reports but let me know if clarity is needed or perhaps others can add their experiences.

nick   May 24th, 2010 5:52p.m.

You have learned some Japanese characters and words somehow. Rather than send two emails, I rather confusingly add them together. I'll see about improving this the next time I righteously upgrade progress reminders.

I just checked and the behavior of Skritter going through a list that you've already gone through once until it finds something is still intact, at least in the most obvious case (although it does take a while). It might be broken with some weird parts/styles/word deletion combinations, but I'm not sure. Let me know which list and maybe I can figure it out further.

Sometimes it doesn't load enough items in advance early enough, and then it finally gets far enough that it discovers them. This can be good, as if you do get that far, then mixing the most-likely-to-be-forgotten prompts in the middle rather than loading them all at the front can decrease frustration sometimes.

Hobbes828   May 24th, 2010 10:40p.m.

ah. Yeah my brother was trying out japanese on my account briefly.

It is definitely still taking forever to "catch up" and it is the second time I have reactivated and seen this behavior for "FLTRP Graded Reader 4A" after adding some more sections/words and I have had it on there for like 2 days now or so and it is only "up to" section "story 4" when the new words don't start until story 6 i think, and there are only about 5-10 words max per story. Skritter has probably auto-added at least 20 or 30 words (from other lists, obviously) during that time.

Yeah i don't mind if there are a few items before I get to ones that are really overdue, but if I can go a whole session of 15-20 minutes (skritter minutes) without seeing words that are 300, 400% due, i would say that could be an issue.

Hobbes828   May 24th, 2010 10:46p.m.

from another recent post i see i could probably go to "more actions" and add from only the sections with new words to fix the problem manually. I'll leave it for now in case you want to investigate though... not studying those words certainly isn't killing me :)

nick   May 26th, 2010 11:15a.m.

Oh, I see. In the one case it kept trying from the same list, but in this other case it went to the next list even though it hadn't really gotten anything new from the one it should be retrying. I will upload that fix later today. Thanks for the great bug report!

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