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new mini function

百发没中   May 23rd, 2010 3:57p.m.

Maybe Skritter has too many functions, especially for people who have only just signed, but this one might be quite useful:)

When practicing, I have developed the habit of re-writing every character I get wrong until I can write it with my eyes closed. The part with the eyes closed is perhaps a bit much, but I do think the other part might be useful for an additional functionality. This functionality would be that Skritter automatically erases the character I got wrong and makes me write it again and again until I get it right. I'm very sure that it makes more sense than just looking at it for a few seconds after getting it wrong and then jumping to the next character.



lennier61   May 23rd, 2010 7:26p.m.

what i do is to erase it and rewrite it again, as many times as I wish. Skritter works in a gently way in order learning comes little by little.

FatDragon   May 23rd, 2010 7:49p.m.

Probably best to leave this as a manual function - Skritter doesn't know as well as you do whether or not you got the character correct. For example, a stroke that doesn't become part of the character could be you trying to write the wrong stroke, or it could be a recognition error. Personally, I erase and rewrite if I really screwed up a character, or if the writing or stroke order challenged me excessively, but I deal with smaller errors like a dropped stroke with a 2 grade; that guarantees that I'll see it again in the foreseeable future so I don't have to worry about heavy repetition at the moment.

@百发没中 - Where is that picture from? It looks like a giraffe reserve I visited in Kenya, though I suppose a lot of giraffe reserves and even giraffe pens in good zoos look similar.

百发没中   May 24th, 2010 3:56a.m.

Do you guys have recognition errors? I hardly ever encounter them any more. For me the erase button only ever comes into play when I really just didn't remember a character. I was anyway thinking about this function being an optional little box in the settings somewhere called something like "write until right". I definitely wouldn't want to force that function onto anyone.
But it is interesting to see how different people are using the same thing to study in very different ways.

@Fatdragon - that picture was taken in a zoo in China (石家庄) (anybody know where that is without googling it?^^). I like to think that I look more intelligent than the girafe....but then again... :-)

ulyart   May 24th, 2010 4:03a.m.

Yes, I still have problems getting Skritter to recognize all my strokes.

So I agree with lennier61 and FatDragon that your suggestion would work better as a manual function.

nick   May 24th, 2010 5:34p.m.

This has been suggested before, but I still think that unless you're one of the few users who forget so often that your scheduling has been trained to hit scheduled intervals so short (like 30 seconds) that the item can't possibly come up again that fast, then it makes more sense to trust the SRS in terms of learning/time (not necessarily in terms of personal satisfaction).

The best solution was for me to highlight the erase button inviting you to try erasing and writing again if that case occurred. I haven't implemented that yet, but it's still on the list. I don't want to do auto-erase, though.

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