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Rates of addition

阿福   June 3rd, 2010 9:02p.m.

I'm learning the "HSK 2", "HSK 3", and three 成语 lists. What I really want is for the SRS to give me 50% HSK 2 (so that it gets done) 25% HSK 3 (to challenge me) and 25% 成语 to keep me entertained.

AFAIK there is no way to ensure this?

nick   June 3rd, 2010 10:13p.m.

Nope. You would have to manually add stuff while pausing and unpausing the lists you want in the ratios you desire.

Although perhaps useful, I would dread the idea of making an intuitive interface for what you describe.

阿福   June 4th, 2010 6:51a.m.

There is already a way to regulate the rate at which new characters are added overall; one would just apply those each list. As far as I know this would not interfere with SRS. I have to say though, that it's not clear how many people want such fine-grained control over their study.

Pause/unpause is probably fine, but that feature seems to have gone? All I see on the practice page is "cram" and "remove" buttons?

FatDragon   June 4th, 2010 6:58a.m.

For an intuitive interface you could use sliders next to all of the lists (perhaps enabled by a check box in the options menu to reduce clutter for the average user), where the sum of all of the sliders equals 100%.

Byzanti   June 4th, 2010 7:38a.m.

阿福 - you can pause and stop on the actual page where you write characters, by hitting the active lists button in the top right corner.

阿福   June 4th, 2010 10:31p.m.

Found it - thanks, Byzanti.

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