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Native speakers of Russian or German?

nick   June 8th, 2010 7:09p.m.

If you can natively speak (well, read) Russian or German and want to help me out with something, please let me know.

FatDragon   June 9th, 2010 12:03a.m.

Hmm, I can read Harry Potter in German at about 60-70% comprehension, but I don't think that's gonna cut it if you're looking for native proficiency...

Christian   June 9th, 2010 12:36a.m.

I'm a German native speaker - let me know how I can help.

Shisoik   June 9th, 2010 3:08a.m.

I'm a Russian native speaker - let me know how I can help.

alzen   June 9th, 2010 3:22a.m.

German is my mother tongue. I would be glad to help, too.

Rolands   June 9th, 2010 6:39a.m.

I have 2 native languages, one of them is Russian. Ready to help out.

Shisoik   June 9th, 2010 6:42a.m.

Rolands, а второй?

Rolands   June 9th, 2010 6:44a.m.

Латышский. Привет соотечественникам :)

wb   June 9th, 2010 7:38a.m.

yeah I'm German, too...

JunHo1582   June 9th, 2010 9:08a.m.

native german speaker here ;3

nick   June 9th, 2010 11:38a.m.

Thanks guys! I've sent you an email with the details.

valerypride   June 9th, 2010 11:51a.m.

I'm also a native Russian speaker, and though I'm using skritter only for a week, I really like it. Actually, I think it is the best resource to practice kanji writing. So, I'll be glad to help too :)

Рад видеть тут земляков :)

  June 10th, 2010 5:52a.m.

If you need another German native, I'd be glad to help...

百发没中   June 10th, 2010 7:20a.m.

woah...never realized how many people were so close to me :)

Rolands   June 10th, 2010 10:53a.m.

First impressions from russian dictionary.

- only about 30 % of words/characters have russian translation. Others still show english;
- some translations are not very exact but some are really strange - can say wrong, because seems translated literally. Like for example 一旦 russian translation says "one morning" which is wrong.
- Apparent problem with a characters - usually simple radicals which are not used usually alone as single character. 已 or 尤 are example. Then very strange effect - instead of meaning there is a sound of this character written by russian letters, and some abbreviation added, that at least for me does not suggests anything.

So, for first impression - so so. For sure not ready for public launch

valerypride   June 10th, 2010 11:03a.m.

The best Japanese-English dictionary I am aware of is yarxi, which you can find here - http://www.susi.ru/yarxi/ The project is free, but no longer supported. Anyway, it contains about 6000 kanji, and something about 50000 words translated into Russian, AFAIK. It also features very good radical and component decomposition, so you can find it useful. There is also english version available.

valerypride   June 10th, 2010 11:03a.m.

Sorry, I meant Japanese-Russian dictionary.

valerypride   June 10th, 2010 12:05p.m.

So, yarxi database is freely available on the site I mentioned above. It is stored in txt files using some custom format, but I think it is possible to parse it and populate skritter database with russian translations.

nick   June 11th, 2010 5:36p.m.

Hey guys; thanks for your help and feedback so far. I've been meaning to respond to all your emails, but I got something in my eye on Wednesday night which has been making it feel none too good and I haven't been able to do anything. Doc said it should start to feel better soon.

Anyway, sorry for not be in touch.

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