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ebp0   June 9th, 2010 12:25a.m.


I'm currently learning hanzi using Heisig's method on Remembering Traditional Hanzi. but when I went ahead to practice the characters on skritter, for the character 呆 it only let me practice it in it's traditional form 獃. Any ideas?

ebp0   June 9th, 2010 12:41a.m.

I also noticed Chapter 10 has 田 instead of 苗.

Byzanti   June 9th, 2010 4:39a.m.

MDBG suggests 獃 is a variant of 呆, rather than the traditional form. Both characters are seemingly acceptable in traditional and simplified. Perhaps 獃 is more common in one territory than another, I don't know.

nick   June 9th, 2010 10:21a.m.

Right, I've got the removing of 獃 as a traditional for 呆 on my list, as it does appear to be an obsolete variant. I do these in big batches because they're such a pain.

I've changed 田 to 苗 in that list. Wow, the new list editor made that a lot more pleasant than using the old one!

ebp0   June 9th, 2010 10:49a.m.

How can I do that? because every time I add 呆 and validate it, 獃 is shown as added to the list.
呆 is the correct character on RTH Chapter 10, not 獃.

nick   June 9th, 2010 11:05a.m.

Right, I haven't fixed 呆 yet. I'm waiting for some time where I can do a whole bunch of them at once.

pts   June 9th, 2010 11:12a.m.

In Taiwan, both 獃 and 呆 exist and the meaning of 呆 is broader than that of 獃. According to the dictionary provided by the MOE, 獃 means 痴愚 while 呆 means 痴愚、笨傻; 反應不靈敏; 發愣; 表情死板、神志恍惚. I consider them as different words.

But in the Mainland, 獃 and 騃 have been eliminated and replaced by 呆 since the publication of the 《第一批异体字整理表》in 1955. So the character 呆 now actually represents any one of the 3 traditional characters, 呆、獃 or 騃 .

nick   June 9th, 2010 11:20a.m.

Ah! Then I'll do it that way. Variants, man.

pts, when I get ready to update the variant mapping again, may I contact you with some questions about ones that I can't definitively figure out on my own? You're a lot better at this than I am.

pts   June 9th, 2010 1:34p.m.

You are more than welcome. I’m happy to help in any way I can.

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