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'To Review' numbers on practice page spiking randomly

klutz14159   June 29th, 2010 7:14a.m.

Since yesterday, I've had the numbers about my canvas spike for no good reason. Yesterday I started having 700 words in queue, and somewhere in that half hour the number crept up to 1450 words. When I go back to practice homepage, it dropped back down to 550 words which is the expected queue size.

Just now, I my canvas queue showed over 750 words, but go to practice homepage and it's only 240 words.

I can't tell when it happens since I have the to review numbers hidden from view due to small window size while practicing.

It is sometimes demoralizing to see your queue regenerating that quickly...

klutz14159   June 29th, 2010 9:52p.m.

er, this happened again today. I was cruising along and starting to get new characters auto added to the queue, and then suddenly a long stretch of no new words.

I scrolled up and suddenly I had 850 reviews in queue. Go back to progress and then practice page and now my queue is back down to 107?

Given that I went through a long stretch of new no words, this means that the 850 reviews was somehow temporarily valid and not just an addition error. Any changes to the queue algorithm in last few days?

jww1066   June 30th, 2010 12:43a.m.

The numbers on the practice page generally jump around wildly for me as well. I don't take them too seriously.

nick   July 1st, 2010 2:44p.m.

Nope; it's been the same (buggy) bar for many months. I should just turn the numbers off again until I get some time (not very soon) to identify and fix some of the weird bugs with it. That way y'all won't notice when it fluctuates! Awesome.

klutz14159   July 5th, 2010 11:59p.m.

Interesting. I guess I was lucky that I never ran into bugs with that review bar until just this week. That was a good eight month run though.

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