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Intense Language School and Skitter- Are they compatable?

SGRuixue   July 18th, 2010 1:45p.m.

Hi, I'm at an intense immersion school, where we are responsible for writing 60+ new words a day. I NEED to review, but am finding that skitter is not adding my new words to my queue fast enough. without skitter I'm spending 3 + hours a day cramming hand written flash cards with little retention beyond that day- I was hoping skitter would help, but I MUST get all my new words in. I'm new to skitter as of this weekend so I'm not entirely sure how every thing works, i.e. what the green bar is at the top indicates exactly, or how I know I worked my way through the my new word list for the day. An explicit explanation on what every thing is/ how to read/ use it would be great. I tried cramming on skitter and kept getting the same 9 words for an hour. i tried sections and got the same 4. I'm frustrated because I like the idea, but if I can't have it meet my needs, I'm back to the hand written flash cards. HELP!

Foo Choo Choon   July 18th, 2010 2:37p.m.

Tell me when you've found a technique faster than Skritter - and equally sustainable in the long run. I doubt its existence.

That being said, it's easily possible to add hundreds of items on a single evening (own experience), even with normal language settings.

Adjusting your language settings might help, however, if you think you're too slow:
- reduce "Target Retention Rate"
- increase "Add Word Frequency"
Link: http://www.skritter.com/account/settings-language

marchey   July 18th, 2010 3:24p.m.

And some other tricks are:

1. add those 60 new words, not at the queue but as a list, then cram the list. If you cram this list of new words first you will already know them when they get added meaning that you will be able to remember them more easily when they pop up
2. As soon as you find that your queue of items to review is getting bigger than 250, use the save me feature. After this you will be adding words again.
3. Noticed the + sign next to the bar indicating how many new words you added? You can use it to add words manually.


wb   July 18th, 2010 3:25p.m.

or just add manually?

nick   July 18th, 2010 5:15p.m.

Yeah, use the add word button or increase your add word rate to get more added. This should be used in "Study Everything" mode with some lists active in the "Active Lists" area (while you're practicing you can make sure there are lists to add from by clicking that button).

It sounds like some of the problems are from cramming when you don't yet need to. You don't have any lists activated to add words from--did you finish all the vocab until now? It will help a lot if you can add words ahead of your class, because Skritter's scheduling will be most efficient if it has enough words to add in the lists you're studying when you have your reviews finished. Cramming is not as good as using "Study Everything", especially when you don't have a big review queue (which you don't).

You can look at the readiness percents in the prompt to see if you're overpracticing and need to add new words. Something like "not due (70%)" will indicate that the current word is only 70% ready and some new words are needed.

SGRuixue   July 18th, 2010 6:46p.m.

I don't have a big review cue because I got nervous and removed everything thinking I wouldn't be studying my new words- I have over 600 words from that last 3 weeks! I should add those in huh...

Thanks everyone! Between your suggestions and figuring out that I should add the white words in white to my cue, I studied my entire list in record time! Well see if I remember the words tomorrow!

Neil   July 19th, 2010 4:57a.m.

Check your PC time and date and likewise Skritter settings if you keep getting the same words over and over, although this bug might have been fixed up.

SGRuixue   July 19th, 2010 2:41p.m.

Thanks again everyone for your help!

FYI: got my first 100% on my 听写小考 (ting xie xiao kao) YEA SKITTER!

nick   July 19th, 2010 4:35p.m.

Congratulations! Good luck keeping up with such an intense class. If you remember all that you're learning (which is definitely not what most students do), your progress will be gigantic.

west316   July 21st, 2010 3:53a.m.

Good Luck. Review is by far the most important part of the this language. Don't be fooled by some students who show up with words studied from other sources. Every class seems to have one smart alec studying from 5 sources at once. Just stick with it and review like mad. 50 words that you have down pat are more valuable than 200 that are rather dodgily in your memory. Congrats on the dictation score. The first 100 always feels great.

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