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wiki for learning chinese

wb   August 24th, 2010 9:52a.m.

Hey guys...

The Skritter gods are very busy, so I just set up a simple wiki for learning chinese.
Have look at it, though there is not much to see yet. I edited the page about pronunciation as a suggestion what it could look like. For now everyone can just edit everything, so feel free!
My English may be crude or wrong, corrections are welcome.
I know that there are several clever people hanging around here who have been learning Chinese much longer than I have, so I would appreciate it if you could share your wisdom for the benefit of everyone ;-)

icecream   August 24th, 2010 10:14p.m.

I don’t understand the goal, or purpose, of the wiki. I don’t see anything special inside; all I see are a couple of links to other websites.

Your English is fine.

wb   August 25th, 2010 2:10a.m.

yeah it still has some way to go...just in case anyone would want to help...

葛修远   August 26th, 2010 2:32p.m.

I think it's a good idea; I hope it takes off. Might it be worth getting a better domain though? mandarin-wiki.net or something would be quite cool and more memorable.

nick   August 26th, 2010 2:44p.m.

chinese-forums.com has a ridiculously awesome amount of information that could populate a wiki in its hallowed forum threads, if one had the gumption (and permission) to organize it better.

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