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When are sentences coming?

jimi02   September 4th, 2010 12:09p.m.

Hey Skritter people,

The subject is pretty self-explanatory I guess. I feel like, for all the success I have had improving my vocabulary (and of course reading and writing skills) through Skritter, most of it is still kind of useless to me. In that, I lack the general language skills to make use of 70% of all the vocabulary I have learned.

I've heard talk that Skritter will done day have example sentences, which I think would help in learning how to use all these words, understand them in context, etc. Also help to remember them.

I think Skritter--great as it currently is--could truly be a monster learning resource if it added some elements (like example sentences).


arp   September 4th, 2010 12:52p.m.

They have the sample sentences in beta already. Just request and they'll add it for you. Probably Nick will notice this thread soon anyway and add you.

jww1066   September 4th, 2010 1:16p.m.

The sentences are awesome, they're very helpful. Combining the sentences with mnemonics makes learning new characters/words much, much easier.


jimi02   September 4th, 2010 6:54p.m.

Awesome. Then, yeah, if I could be added to the Beta, that would be great. Can't wait!

Supermoan   September 4th, 2010 6:58p.m.

Hey, I'd like to be added to the beta as well, if it's no problem.

Travis   September 4th, 2010 8:27p.m.

Please add me to beta as well, if you could Nick.

ジェレミー (Jeremy)   September 4th, 2010 8:47p.m.


ジェレミー (Jeremy)   September 4th, 2010 9:05p.m.


WanLi   September 5th, 2010 1:24a.m.

Hiya, Nick, could you please add me to the alpha, beta, rc1, rc2, rc3, and production please ;-)

Mandarinboy   September 5th, 2010 3:48a.m.

One more to be added if that is ok. I have been Alfa testing for MS for years so I hope that I can contribute to this as well.

brucejackson   September 5th, 2010 10:56a.m.

I had sentences added a few days ago (thanks Nick) and I like it a lot.

It is especially helpful in understanding the grammatical use of a word. Even if you don't understand the entire sentence, just seeing the word used, and noting where and how it is used in the sentence cements the idea of it's function.

My observation thus far is that some of the example sentences are pretty weird. I know it is still being developed and forgive all errors, but I can see it will take a lot of time to polish.

Byzanti   September 5th, 2010 11:33a.m.

The thing you need to do to use the vocab is to add appropriate sample sentences into a flash cards program and practice them...

Foo Choo Choon   September 6th, 2010 3:35a.m.

The sentences feature is spectacular - and, following Skritter's inofficial slogan (望子成龙), I expect it it to turn become even better.

One recommendation, just to 画龙点睛: use AJAX to show the character as part of the sample sentence immediately after it has been answered (similar to the way tones are shown above the 拼音). This would, for instance, make it easier to use the Chrome Zhongwen plug-in for words and 成语 with more than one character.

mykè   September 6th, 2010 4:06a.m.

Please, add me as well!! :)

jww1066   September 6th, 2010 9:55a.m.

@穆儿 +1 that has been annoying me as well

mandarin.ie   September 6th, 2010 12:01p.m.

Please add me for as well the beta sentences if you can...

Thank You!

nick   September 6th, 2010 10:30p.m.

Hey guys, late to the party--just got back from a weekend at a lake. I've added you all as alpha testers. Stuff we put in here isn't as stable as a beta label might indicate, and I might turn random things pink on you, but you'll get the very first draft of the sentences. It has a lot of work yet required, including having the cloze deletions make sense as mentioned.

g1itch, Japanese sentences are probably a ways off. To do it right we'll want to get good Tatoeba integration going on rather than just a one-time dump like we did with the Dict.cn sentences we have now for Chinese.

Mandarinboy   September 7th, 2010 12:22a.m.

Thank you very, very much for this! The best addition to skritter ever. Very, very helpful.
A Few remarks

- Highlighting a word is at is best hard to do. I like to add useful new words form the sentences and that is tricky. This would be very nice to be able to do since i find so many interesting new words in the sentences.

- Possibility to add new sentences for words that do not have any would be great.

- Magnifying glass. Might be just my old eyes but sometimes it is hard to see the strokes clearly and then it would help with a magnifier, like on the Iphone or simply by changing the font size.

Again, thanks for this very useful addition! This will speed up my reading skills as well and give the words a much better context.

jww1066   September 7th, 2010 9:17a.m.

@Mandarinboy what browser are you using? You can change the font size yourself if the characters are too small.

jimi02   September 12th, 2010 10:56a.m.

Hey Nick,

I had sentences for a a few days or so and they were terrific. Unfortunately, they seem to have disappeared! I haven't had them for a few days. Any way I could get them back?


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