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Skritter is acting a little unusuall

Bohan   September 4th, 2010 9:06p.m.

The last couple of days, when I practice my lists, sometimes Skritter doesn't give me a chance to input the tone after drawing the character and automatically puts it in for me. This never used to happen

Byzanti   September 4th, 2010 9:54p.m.
jww1066   September 5th, 2010 12:00a.m.

@Bohan when you first start to study characters, their tone prompts will come immediately after their writing prompts. After a while, though, the two drift apart, and you study them at different times. So you will do a writing prompt by itself and a tone prompt by itself. So what you're describing is completely normal; it just means that the tones aren't yet due to be reviewed, so you're just reviewing writing.


Bohan   September 6th, 2010 4:02p.m.

hey guys, the thing is that I use the Scratchpad, so I don't think this should be happening

nick   September 6th, 2010 10:26p.m.

It automatically puts it in, like it shows the tone prompt with the answer filled in, or it skips the tone prompt (and has the tone in the character's pinyin during the writing prompt)? And you're doing the scratchpad with progress tracking on or off?

Bohan   September 7th, 2010 6:03p.m.

Hey Nick, I'm using Scratchpad with Tracking Off. What I think is happening is, after I finish drawing a character, I'll click on the character once or twice so that it will let me enter the character's tone, and then Skritter will automatically say something like "Should Third Tone, Not Neutral Tone", or "Should be Forth Tone, Not Neutral Tone" . It always think I put in neutral tone, but the thing is that I never even had a chance to put in the tone

nick   September 7th, 2010 8:50p.m.

I had some reports of that bug, but I was never able to figure it out despite a lot of effort. I think the only thing that would help at this point is a screencast. If you did want to make one, Jing or ScreenToaster are pretty easy to use, and there are many more.

FatDragon   September 8th, 2010 12:00a.m.

From what you're saying, I'd guess that it's registering your tap/click to move from the finished writing prompt to the tone prompt twice, once to move on, and once to register a neutral tone. It could be user error, a settings issue, lag, or something on the Skritter end, but I'd recommend some experimentation.

1. Make sure once the completed character is displayed, you only click once. If it doesn't move on immediately, you're probably dealing with lag and clicking twice because you think the first tap didn't register

2. Try inputting that click in different ways - Wacom, mouse, touchpad button, touchpad tap, spacebar (next), click the next button, etc. If you isolate which ones of those cause the problem, you can check settings and evaluate the way you use those devices to see why it might be registering two clicks. If it's the Wacom and you're using hard tip feel settings, the tip might be bouncing and registering two taps, for example, or you might have tapping set to double-click.

If every device you try still causes this problem, and there are no warning flags when you look at the settings, you'll have to get Nick to help. If even the spacebar and next buttons cause this problem, then you REALLY need Nick to help...

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