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Mnemonics : any way of sorting the sentences ?

nicogo   September 6th, 2010 8:35a.m.

When you go to Vocabulary / mnemonics, I find that the a few options to sort all mnemonics would help a lot. By pronunciation, also by list where it appears (a bit like Plecodict for instance).
Thanks for the great work !

nick   September 6th, 2010 10:11p.m.

The extra sort orders there are a bit expensive to do, so we would reserve them for the most common use cases. So if there are a bunch of people that want to do a particular sort, we can make it happen. If there's limited interest, though, then it wouldn't be worth the extra computation overhead necessary when saving new mnemonics.

nicogo   September 6th, 2010 10:54p.m.

Nick, the most useful and simplest (?) sort order would be on the pronunciation field. When you think about a new character, but don´t remember the mnemonic, a quick sort on the pronunciation would help a lot.

Don´t know if I am the only one with this need ?

jww1066   September 7th, 2010 12:08a.m.

It sounds like nicogo is talking about a more general problem, which is finding a word in the Skritter database. As it is you currently have to go to the Scratchpad or list editor and paste in hanzi in order to get to the popup which has all the extra info.

I agree that it would be nice to be able to find things by pronunciation, but I don't think this is limited to mnemonics or should be handled by displaying everything and sorting by pronunciation. I would think it would be simpler and more efficient to have a search page where you type in hanzi or pinyin and you get back matching entries. Then you could click to see the popup with the mnemonics and so on.


nick   September 8th, 2010 12:56p.m.

Oh yeah, we're planning on adding a search bar to this new version of one of the vocabulary pages we're building next.

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