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贺知宝   September 18th, 2010 8:59p.m.

Hi guys,

I am guessing that when I click on "Vocabulary -> Queue -> Browse" the list is in the order that the words will appear. Is there any convenient way to change the order of queued words?

For example, I have accumulated a few hundred words in my queue and I feel that some words later on the list are most important to me than earlier ones. Also, is there any way to enter words that will take priority over all other words in the queue? That is, could I enter a word somewhere and have it appear as the next word to be added?



FatDragon   September 18th, 2010 9:18p.m.

That second question is interesting to me - I'd like that functionality, though in all reality I'd only use it once in a blue moon. One way to work around that would be to study that word in an SRS-enabled scratchpad session.

nick   September 19th, 2010 8:13a.m.

We are going to be turning the queue into basically a list sometime in the next couple months, and then you'll be able to edit and rearrange stuff. For right now, you'd have to do as FatDragon says to get it added sooner.

贺知宝   September 19th, 2010 12:04p.m.

OK, so even if I have "track progress" turned off, the session will display characters using SR. After I close out and return, however, scratchpad will not remember my previous work, 是不是?

贺知宝   September 20th, 2010 9:57a.m.

Also, is there anyway to turn off the queue? I have a bunch of words in the queue, but I want to give myself some time to get more comfortable with the words I already have in circulation before others come through.

jww1066   September 20th, 2010 10:22a.m.

That's a great question. Does setting the add frequency to "manual" affect the queue?

dert   September 20th, 2010 9:07p.m.

Great to see a timeframe for the queue-as-a-list! I am looking forward with great anticipation to this feature.

nick   September 20th, 2010 9:43p.m.

The scratchpad I think still contains what you have in it for now until you delete it out of there, but there's now a delete button. Soon it will clear every time to keep things simple.

No way to turn off the queue itself for right now. I would pause all adding in general to turn off everything until you're ready to review again by setting adding to manual in the active lists menu (next to the settings menu).

To be clear, no promises we'll get the queue listified that quickly, but it's on the list right after some of the front-end vocab changes we're doing.

贺知宝   September 20th, 2010 11:02p.m.

Dumb question: I can't seem to find the "active lists" menu. Where's it at?

Mandarinboy   September 20th, 2010 11:26p.m.

On the practice page in the upper right corner you have it.

nick   September 21st, 2010 7:52a.m.

We looked at how many people had ever changed options that were in that menu and almost no one had, which led us to conclude that the menu basically didn't exist to people, so we'll be designing a new thing for that that's not so invisible.

Lurks   September 21st, 2010 9:38a.m.

I wonder if I'll ever be able to delete the phantom entry in my scratchpad. It's been there forever :)

skritterjohan   September 22nd, 2010 5:54a.m.

@Nick which menu are you talking about? I hope the active lists menu does not disappear because I use it all the time.

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