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suggestion regarding characters with multiple readings

Bohan   September 22nd, 2010 4:47p.m.

There are tons of homonyms/homophones in Mandarin and this can be problematic when using Skritter because as of now there's always a default reading that is used, which of course isn't always the reading we're learning.

Examples: 調 can be read diao4 or tiao2 .

My suggestion is for for users to be able to choose/indicate which reading they'd like to study when coming across these characters with multiple readings. It would also be good for users because it would make certain that they aknowledge that those characters have more than one reading, so as to make a mental note in case they see it other contexts

nick   September 22nd, 2010 5:02p.m.

There's only a default reading used insofar as if we have to pick an audio file to play, we pick the first one. We always show all readings, which is much, much easier than supporting multiple readings per character where you have to pick which reading you want to study. (That's what we do in Japanese, and it is no picnic.)

Lurks   September 22nd, 2010 5:56p.m.

Hmm what happens with tone practice? It just picks the first one all the time?

skritterjohan   September 23rd, 2010 3:57a.m.

I believe it accepts all the tones of all the individual readings.

I like the current system so would hope for it to not be changed.

rgwatwormhill   September 23rd, 2010 4:32p.m.

If you study the character within a word, then you have to get the correct tone.
(eg studying 占 skritter accepts first or fourth tones, but studying 占星 the 占 has to be first tone)

Maybe people could use this to study the reading they'd like to concentrate on.


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