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Have a little problem

ebp0   September 30th, 2010 8:50p.m.


I'm studying using the Remembering Traditional Hanzi book and I've noticed for some characters the book shows the simplified version, but every time I edit the character to practiced the simplified for that specific character it wont let me do it. Examples: 呆/獃 [Lesson 10] and 咸/鹹 [Lesson 16]
Any ideas on how can I include the simplified of these characters into my study?

Thanks in advanced.

nick   September 30th, 2010 9:50p.m.

We're almost done with a round of edits to the traditional variant map, which will allow these characters their sway. Until then, you could switch to adding simplified, add them, then switch to traditional and previously added simplified... a bit of a hassle, though. Hopefully we'll be done soon.

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