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Adding new words to Skritter?

Sarah Clark   October 6th, 2010 3:34a.m.

I was trying to add new words to study on skritter, and the instructions said to press the save button to add the words. Except that I couldn't see a save button anywhere? And when you do add words, how do you then put them into lists?
Sorry if I'm missing something really obvious here.

Byzanti   October 6th, 2010 4:30a.m.

The easiest way to add a small number of words is to go to the queue ( http://www.skritter.cn/vocab/queue ). To add words either type in the hanzi (or copy and paste in a whole bunch) the hit the "add words to queue" button at the bottom. They'll then start appearing when you practice.

You can also add individual words on the mdbg dictionary ( http://www.mdbg.net ) by hitting the skritter button.

If you want to create a list, go to vocabulary->custom lists and hit the "new list" button. It's in three steps. First step is to create a title/description, second is to add section names, and third is to add the characters themselves. When you add characters or edit a section there will be a save button at the bottom you can press.

Maybe the Skritter Gods need to make a picture guide :p.

FatDragon   October 6th, 2010 4:49a.m.

It's also possible that your page loaded up incorrectly, due to connection or App Engine issues. You could try closing the page, clearing your browser's cache, and loading the list/queue editor in a new browser window to see if your page fixes itself.

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