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Oh HSK, how I don't understand you!

winslowalrob   October 19th, 2010 7:54a.m.

I am getting ready to take the HSK. The problem is that because I am not near coastal China they only offer the old ones and because this is my first time taking the HSK, I have no idea what level I should actually test myself at (or what levels the old exam offers in Sichuan). I was aiming to do a new HSK 3, but people said the old HSK 3 is wayyy harder than the new one and I would get my @ss kicked. I told the test center that I want to take the low level exam, but I am not totally sure what it entails (I downloaded the sample exam and freaked out when I could not understand the proctors instructions)...

Any thoughts or suggestions? Anyone here been through the Sichuan testing center?

murrayjames   October 20th, 2010 12:22a.m.


If you have to take the Old HSK, take the HSK Basic. It is the easiest test offered under the old system. This may be a hard test for you. The test comprises material from old HSK levels 1-3 combined. There'll be lots of words you don't know.

The new HSK 3 is quite a bit easier than anything on the old HSK Basic exam.

Do you have to take the test now? You might want to consider waiting for the New HSK to come to Sichuan (and it will). Or consider bringing your Chinese up to the point where the HSK Basic is feasible.

Lots more information here:

winslowalrob   October 20th, 2010 3:02a.m.


I have taken the sample new exams up to level 3 and have had no problems. Still, I did not know if there is like a number for the HSK or just Basic, Intermediate Beginner, or Advanced (or something like that). If the Basic is three tests in one, that sounds painful, but I think I can do it...

Neil   October 20th, 2010 8:21p.m.

The old one has 3 exams, that is 1 Basic, 2 Elementary and Intermediate, 3 Advanced.

There are heaps of sample exams available for the old Elementary&Int, you should look around the book stores there for sample exams of the Basic before you take it.

The old one is geared toward hardcore knowledge, the new one has many easy levels to attract people to take it, and to match with the European CET language levels.

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