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Programming in Chinese (python 3)

jeffwong   October 30th, 2010 8:43p.m.

Now that I've learned to type Chinese using Pinyin, I can now write code with Chinese characters for variables in Python 3.


Makes for more compact code. Easy to spot variables too.

nick   October 30th, 2010 9:10p.m.

I drool! If Scott thinks my variable names are great now, just wait until App Engine supports Python 3!

(I had to change %2520 to %20 in that URL after I clicked it to get to the screenshot.)

scott   November 1st, 2010 12:46p.m.

I just checked and apparently Javascript already supports unicode variables. Huh... maybe I'll just start spelling out all the names in katakana...

nick   November 1st, 2010 1:04p.m.

I'll learn that katakana so fast and start spelling out your mom in katakana. Watch out!

Lurks   November 3rd, 2010 10:37p.m.

Mm I've not been in a hurry for python 3 on the basis that there's huge incompatibility regarding modules. In fact I've had enough problems with Python 2.7.

Lurks   November 3rd, 2010 10:43p.m.

It's kind of rude you need to hack IDLE bundled with Python just to work so you can type unicode into the window. I've really enjoyed just being able to type unicode into Python scripts, the unicode support is great and a much welcome move from Rebol...

I've been doing stacks of stuff with the natural language toolkit on Python, actually largely written by the guys at my Uni. I'm all over it like a cheap suit :)

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