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Traditional characters

Yagebu   November 16th, 2010 6:57a.m.

I have my language option set to "both" traditional and simplfied characters but it only lets me study the simplified characters, unless I add the traditional character manually. How can I get skritter to automatically add the traditional characters to the simplified characters that I am already studying?

Best wishes,

nick   November 16th, 2010 11:14a.m.

You'll want to re-add the vocab lists that you added originally, so that Skritter can go through them again and fill in the missing traditionals. It has to be a gradual process, because otherwise you'd get overwhelmed by all the old traditionals at once. So the traditional forms are only added for new words, not all your old ones.

If you really want them all and they're in many lists, you can export all your vocabulary, then paste it into a vocab list (not the queue for this one). Then you can add from that list until you get all the traditionals.

Yagebu   November 16th, 2010 3:12p.m.

Thank you! Actually they're only from one list and I added them word by word. How can I see and edit the vocabulary that I have. I don't mean the ones I have lined up for study, I mean the total number of characters that I have added.

Also, can Skritter automatically decompose a character in smaller elements? e.g. when I add 钱 it will automatically add 钅and 戋 also.

nick   November 19th, 2010 6:20p.m.

If they're from one list, you can click on that list and click on the sections to see the contents. To start the list over and grab the traditionals from the beginning of the list, click the "Study Settings" option under the "More Actions" on the list page and set yourself to the beginning. Then it'll add through it again as you practice.

Skritter can't automatically add components for you, no (and you wouldn't really want that, as many components are very rare--maybe worth it for the reading or definition only). But you can click on a component when you see one, then click the green "+" buttons in its word popup to add it to your studies. That way, you can get the components that you want to learn without adding a bunch of less-than-useful ones.

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