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Learning traditional and 'simplified' characters separately

LaughingHorseman   November 19th, 2010 1:44a.m.

While learning the Hsk lists, I would like to strictly seperate traditional and 'simplified' characters. Unfortunately, I don't feel sure how to do this.

1. Should I creat two custom lists, one featuring traditional and the second containing 'simplified' characters?

2. If I switch the settings to ´simplified´ to add those characters to my second list, will these characters be added only to that list?

3. If I would like at some point to mix the lists, can this be done?

4. Finally, something else: I don't manage to delete words from the scratchpad, 'clear all' doesn't seem to work, nor does any other action. When I reload the page, the words are still there.

LaughingHorseman   November 19th, 2010 1:45a.m.

Sorry for the typo in the title of this message. Can this be corrected?

LaughingHorseman   November 19th, 2010 1:53a.m.

Maybe I should just switch, within the same list, between, traditional and 'simplified'. Just asking so I won't mess anything up.

jww1066   November 19th, 2010 8:09a.m.

I would think you could set your style to "simplified and previously added traditional", then study the HSK list(s). Then set your style to "traditional and previously added simplified" and study whatever traditional lists you are interested in. (Is there a traditional version of the HSK?)

If you only want to study one list at a time, you could cram the list you want to study. Otherwise the default behavior is to show you all the items you have previously added.

You don't need to create any custom lists unless the existing textbooks and lists don't meet your needs.


nick   November 19th, 2010 8:18a.m.

Yes, and note that any vocab list has both simplified and traditional in them, but you'll only see the words for the styles you're currently studying.

Scratchpad not clearing right is a bug that's fixed in the redesign Scott's got almost ready for alpha testing. (It won't save state at all in the new style.) For now I've nearly cleared it for you.

LaughingHorseman   November 20th, 2010 3:25a.m.

Great. Thanks for your replies :-D

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