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clear practice list

dorritg   November 23rd, 2010 11:27p.m.

It would be nice to have an option sort of in-between the current "Save Me" and "Delete" options. I've been away for a while and now that I'm back I found that a) the number of words ready to study was overwhelming and b) many of the words are ones I know longer really care about practicing. I wanted to preserve my progress records so "Delete" wasn't suitable. I had added words from a lot of lists (some of which I had since stopped adding words from). The only way I could find to remove the words from my practice set was to remove the lists one by one. I had to guess at ones that were no longer active, occasionally switching over to practice mode to see what lists were still in use. It took about an hour and a half to clear out all the words I want to stop practicing. I know this isn't (and shouldn't be) a frequently used function, but when you need it, it would be really nice to have. It seems like it shouldn't be hard to implement since the ability to do it one list at a time is already there. Maybe under "Delete" there could be 2 options - both would clear all the words from your list. One would keep your progress records and the other would reset everything.

nick   November 25th, 2010 10:58a.m.

In the new vocabulary system, it'll be easy to see which lists are active for reviews, because they'll all be in a big list on your practice nav page, and it'll be easy to remove them all from there. That will do what you want, I think. We're almost ready to start alpha testing that.

west316   November 25th, 2010 11:58a.m.

I was wondering when the new system would be rolled out for us Alpha testers. I am getting anxious to try it.

nick   November 25th, 2010 12:16p.m.

Scott's got it all done already, but I already alpha tested it too vigorously, like a kindly rottweiler playing with a toddler, so he's got a big list of damages to repair before it can walk again for y'all. I hope this means it'll be more stable than some of our previous alpha tests, though!

dorritg   November 27th, 2010 12:20p.m.

Sounds great! Looking forward to it.

WanLi   November 27th, 2010 2:27p.m.

can not wait for this feature. me too would like to keep the progress stats, and need to clean the words practice list and old history queue and start fresh every three/four months. recently have deleted my hsk1, and hsk2 lists and added a new book "learning Chinese made easy" and somehow i think my word stats is wrong, however i can not prove it nor be sure 100% of it

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