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Using Skritter and Pleco for words containing Heisig characters?

wb   November 28th, 2010 9:37a.m.

Hey guys,

so I'm almost through Heisig and therefore I know the keywords of 1500 characters. I use Skritter of course and recently started using Pleco, which I think is very cool, too.
So to put some more use into my keyword-characters, I want to add pronunciation and words before I go for the second volume, when it appears.
1. What tool for what?
Skritter and Pleco both have their benefits. I came to the conclusion that it would be best to use Skritter for everything single-character related and Pleco for words (mobile use and a lot of good example sentences). Does anyone have experience using both on the same time?
2. What lists to study?
My wish would be to learn the pronunciation of maybe chunks of 100 characters on Skritter and then learn all the important words using those characters in Pleco. That would be really cool, but I'm not sure if it's possible. If I use instead of 100 characters the chapters of the Heisig book, are the pronunciations (if I check study pronunciation) added in the order of the Heisig list? Then I would only need a list for Pleco containing useful words with the components of the recent chapter and all chapters before that. I don't think there is one like that, so does anyone know how to create one?
I hope you get what I mean and I think this would be interesting for all people using Heisig.

jww1066   November 28th, 2010 10:47a.m.

You could use the word finder at http://huygens.functor.nl/skritter/wordlist/ to find the useful words.

wb   November 28th, 2010 10:51a.m.

Thanks! I remembered something like this but didn't have the url...

wb   November 29th, 2010 12:01a.m.

Ok the link apparently makes a difference between traditional and simplified characters. So when I input my list of traditional Heisig characters and want to get all the words of HSK, then the output words won't contain any characters that were simplified. So I would need to input the simplified list of my traditional characters. I used an online converter for checking but I'm not sure how accurate it is.
Question is: Can I switch Skritter to "Only Simplified", export my list as simplified characters, then switch back to "Only Traditional" again without doing any damage? I don't want to study any simplified characters...

nick   November 29th, 2010 12:07a.m.

It wouldn't do any damage, no. If you exported all your vocab, you wouldn't be able to export many simplified characters, as most of the characters you're studying are traditional, and the others would be missing in an export. But, you can switch to simplified, then export the Heisig list itself (from its "More Actions" button on its list page), and that would get you the simplified versions of all the characters in it. Then you can switch back to traditional only.

wb   November 29th, 2010 12:34a.m.

Ok thanks!

wb   November 30th, 2010 5:53a.m.

so here is the list:

These are almost 5000 words of the old HSK containing only characters of RTH1. The characters are simplified and ordered by chapters (of the book).
It can be used like this for importing in Pleco, feel free to import it to Skritter.
Not sure if it's 100% correct, I just checked a few words and it was fine, so I hope my code is correct...

The code used for sorting is here:

nick   December 1st, 2010 9:20a.m.

Ah, the old favorite, characters2.txt! I still have quite a few of those lying around, too.

I've created an official list out of these here:

This is great! I might make a version for Remembering Simplified Hanzi, too, if there is any interest?

wb   December 7th, 2010 4:47a.m.

here's another one:

This time I took the words of the Taiwanese Test of Proficiency.
5372/7325 words used, 879 1 character,
4279 2 character, 214 3 or more characters.

148 characters of RTH1 were not used.

If anyone wants the script (very similar to the one above) or anything, post here, I got Email replies checked...

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