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Adding words from a vocab list

elan121   December 16th, 2010 10:27p.m.

Hi, I am trying to access my class' vocab list, but when i go and view all the words, I can only view them or study them. I want to select all of them and add them to my words. Does anyone know how to do this? I did it before, but now instead of seeing a "vocabulary" tab, all I see is "vocab lists".


KenM   December 16th, 2010 11:52p.m.

Elan, Skritter just introduced a major new release, and things don't work quite the same way. You have a couple of choices:
- you can mark the whole list for studying, and in your account make sure that the Account / Study Settings final variable ("Section Movement"), is set to "stop adding from list on section complete"; or
- view the section, and select the 'study' button. Every word that you study is added to your current words (you haven't changed this, have you Nick?). Once it feels like you've seen all the words, use your browser 'back' button to view the list, refresh the page, and you can tell by the markup whether you've picked up all the words.
I'll be sending out an email to the group describing this in a little more detail.

nick   December 17th, 2010 11:39a.m.

Yes, cramming (now called "studying") the sections works the same as before. Doing "Study List" for the whole list at once is more efficient, as the reviews are scheduled better and you won't forget the old material, but you may need to practice more to keep up with a class.

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