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I'm Making a Pleco, Heisig List. Interest? Also after Heisig?

yechan831   December 25th, 2010 9:20p.m.

Hello Skrittering community!

I am glad to make my second post here, as someone else has said, sometimes checking the forum is more addicting than skrittering. Thankfully though there is much good information posted here.
Such as information about Heisig and such.

In light of this, I wanted to get the most consist and thorough post and information collection on the best things to do ALONGSIDE and AFTER Heisig.

I am having a great time with Heisig and learning rapidly. I am also making a full Pleco flashcard list which will take sometime but I will have avaiable in the not TOO distant future.Would anyone be interested in this? I would be glad to share.

I am fascinated and very excited about learning to read, read well, and read quickly.

One suggest I found was, DeFrancis "Beginning Chinese Reader"

Are there any other suggestions, namely for learning combo characters/words. Is using the Skritter HSK list good for that.

I am sorry if seeing this post is overwhelming or if this has all been posted before. But I just thought it would be cool for myself and Im sure a plethora of other searcher's out there to find a good, concise information pool here.

Any and all things are welcome - childrens books, websites, programs, educational books, etc.

Thansk guys.
Please let me know if you would be intersted in the Pleco list.

Merry Christmas and Blessings

nick   December 26th, 2010 12:24p.m.

Hi yechan831, thanks for joining us on the forum!

I think I have just the list for you. It takes the useful vocabulary from the old HSK 1-4 lists and orders it by the Heisig chapters, so you can get vocab using similar characters together in the same way you got characters using similar primitives doing Heisig. It won't get you the most useful vocabulary first, which is what the raw HSK lists do, so if you're rearin' to start using the language, then I'd go with those. But if you want a more efficient mass vocabulary batch, try these out:

Simplified: http://www.skritter.com/vocab/list?list=agVza3JpdHIWCxINVm9jYWJMaXN0SW5mbxjjisIeDA

Traditional: http://www.skritter.com/vocab/list?list=agVza3JpdHIWCxINVm9jYWJMaXN0SW5mbxiz6fUcDA

What's the Pleco list you're making--a Remembering the Hanzi list? You should be able to convert a Skritter list export into a Pleco list without too much trouble, unless you're adding a bunch more info.

yechan831   December 26th, 2010 11:56p.m.

Hey Nick man! Thank you for the quick and great reply. Again I am always impressed by how well the site is run in all ways. Big props for that.

And this list looks phenomenal! Thank you so much for it.

As far as the Pleco list, I didnt know about this Skritter exporting. How does that work?

I have been going through Heisig, seeing the character and story, then typing it in my Iphone and moving the flashcard to my Heisig List (say Heisig Chapter 7 or whatever) and learning the pronunciation and deeper meaning that way. Which is a good method for me because it helps me writing the characters (with my finger at least :) ) and helps me to keep it in memory.

But this Skritter exporting sounds extremely efficient for many things like this HSK lists.
Is it pretty simple to do?

Again thank you so much!

nick   December 27th, 2010 8:37a.m.

Yeah, just visit the list page for a list and hit the "Export" tool on the left. It only exports the character, reading, and definition, so it won't give you the story, but it could give you a start for it.

wb   December 28th, 2010 5:15a.m.

this is my thread on this, the origin of the two lists mentioned above:

I use Skritter for the characters and keep my mnemonics in Skritter. Pleco is used with the TOP list (see my thread) for all the words and characters which are actually used in Chinese. So I don't have the keywords in Pleco, I use the ABC definitions. Works pretty well for me this way.
I have the DeFrancis Chinese Readers lying around at home, waiting for me to come back. So in 2 months I can say more about that...

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