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Study queue displaying incorrectly

hulei   December 31st, 2010 8:37a.m.

Under the question "What Would You Like To Study?", I see 8 items displayed as items due now. However to the right of this, it says 51 items remain to be studied on Friday, when today *is* Friday.

Does that mean later in the day that these items will become ready for study and will appear as "items due now"?. It would seem much more sensible for these remaining 51 items to be listed as items due now which I could get rid of right now. As with most users, I expect, I don't have multiple practice sessions in any single day.

My timezone is correctedly configured as Paris, France in my account settings.

Thanks for your help!

west316   December 31st, 2010 2:27p.m.

Those words will come due later in the day. Actually, from what I read on the forums, it seems that many people study in several small bursts throughout the day.

The counter itself is wrong, though. You seem to always have more items due than the counter implies. When I counted it, I found it was off by at least 25%. I find the best way to skritter is to go by the % due meter. Once that hits 99%, you can stop for a while. If you keep going, eventually you will get most of that day's words done, but, in fact, you will also be doing quite a few of the words due over the next couple of days.

It all has to due with the scheduling algorithm.

hulei   January 1st, 2011 10:29a.m.

Thanks very much!

scott   January 3rd, 2011 5:58p.m.

With the scheduling algorithm, it schedules item to study not by days but by seconds. So you might see a word you studied only a minute after the last time you saw it, but that's only if you don't know it well.

If you don't get to all the words you have to study that day though, don't worry about it too much. They'll still be due the following day. But if you can, it is good to get more than one study session in a day, so that what you study is as close to its scheduled time as possible.

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