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Strange items due calculations

Mandarinboy   January 12th, 2011 4:40a.m.

Recently the items due calculations seems to behave in an strange way. I had a big queue due to a few weeks sick absence from Skritter. I work my way down in that but when I am on the practice page and have made a few hundred items the review number maybe says 4500. If i then go back to the practice page the Items due is some 50 numbers lower, e.g 4450. This happens all the time now. Do I miss something here? Are they not based on the same calculations?

Second issue, If I study an individual list (prep for an exam) and there is not enough characters i get the usual notification for that. However, even after adding a lot of new words/characters from that list the message do not disappear. I have to leave the page and go back again and then I can get on with the list.

Thomas   January 12th, 2011 5:14a.m.

Every now and then I'll catch the practice page counter jumping 50 or so items back and forth. I refresh the homepage for an accurate count when needed.

nick   January 13th, 2011 11:16a.m.

It has trouble counting that high, so it might not be counting all of them. There could be 6000, for example, and it counts 4500 of them. Then you do a couple hundred and now there are 5800, and it counts 4500 of them. That might be what's going on.

Yes, you will have to reload the page--Skritter won't figure out that you've changed the list elsewhere and reset itself on the study page.

Mandarinboy   January 13th, 2011 2:17p.m.

The 4500 part I have heard about before so it did not worry me until I where below 4500 again. Now I am even below 1000 and still have this. Even after a short 15 minutes session the difference is at least 50 items. This is no big problem but there are some strange things going on on the practice page, like when you add one new word with e.g. 2 characters and the counter jumps 25 items added. After refreshing the page this usually corrects it self. Could this be something with cached data maybe?

nick   January 13th, 2011 2:37p.m.

Today the serving is being pretty whack--not very good performance. So I'd guess any weirdness you're seeing now is due to the performance issues. Hopefully the Google team will get it back under control soon.

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