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Thoughts on Colored Tones

joshwhitson13   January 18th, 2011 10:27a.m.

Hey everyone. I was just wondering what people thought about colored tones (red for first, etc.)?

When they were first implemented on Skritter (or when I first turned them on, can't remember which) I thought the concept was an interesting idea but didn't notice a difference at all as I practiced. Now, six months later, for the first time I noticed myself recalling a tone specifically through a flash of color in my mind.

Has anyone else noticed a similar length of time before colored tones become useful? How have they helped/not helped you? etc. Discuss.

breakphreak   January 18th, 2011 5:30p.m.

It really helps me almost from the first sight, that's all I can say.

Every person learns the language in his/her own perception: for someone to listen is the main thing, for other to see etc (hopefully, I've got the right words ;) So, I guess this is pretty individual - just find out what works best for you. The site's purpose is to give you enough tools/resource types to choose from (and it's done great imho and still counting).

nick   January 18th, 2011 5:38p.m.

I've had them on but they've never really penetrated at all; I'm not even sure I could tell you which color is which. I just like the colorfulness.

wb   January 18th, 2011 6:53p.m.

recently I had the same experience (in Pleco though), saw the definition and just thought "yellow"...funny, it really seems to help sometimes...

marchey   January 20th, 2011 1:06p.m.

On Pleco colours did really help me. But these colours were different (I made them up, and gave them a meaning like red=danger, which for me is the second tone, because I find it difficult to remember, etc) Unfortunately colours in Skritter are non customisable. I have turned them on, hoping that I would get used to it and that it would help my memory. I know for certain that green=3rd and blue=4th, but the other colours? So I guess it doesn't help me all that much.

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