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Adding Words - Word Lists

inspiresme   February 6th, 2011 6:33a.m.

With HSK lists, if I start with HSK 1, then go to HSK 2, 3, 4, 5, and then 6 ... each new list doesn't contain words from the previous lists, right? So, HSK 1 has words that only HSK 1 has, then 2 adds to that, then 3 adds to that, right?

So, if I want to add all HSK words, then I would just add all lists and add words as I go?

InkCube   February 6th, 2011 6:55a.m.

Even if they had some words on more than one list (which I don't think so) that wouldn't make a difference.
Skritter knows what words you already learned and only adds actually new ones. (you will also notice that if you're looking at a list you haven't studied words you already know will be marked green).

mw   February 6th, 2011 6:56a.m.

Yes, that's how it works with the (new) HSK lists.

I'm currently going through these lists as well, but find it harder to learn due to less context compared to learning from a textbook list.

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