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Starred words giving me a problem

Mandarinboy   February 6th, 2011 7:37a.m.

I use starred words a lot since i simply need to practice much more to get them in to my memory. One problem however is that this seems to be in a way contra productive. I might write the same characters very often in one or several sessions and get them right maybe 10 times or so. What happens then is that the character is pushed ahead maybe 10 months or sometimes even several years. This is not suitable, at least not for me since the character only is in short term memory. A couple of weeks later I will most likely not remember the character any more. It would be nice to be able to turn off tracking for starred words. It might be just me and my very bad memory having this request but at least for me this would be very useful. I know that this is over practicing but for me it is the only way to get it to work. By age it is getting harder to learn Chinese;-)

nick   February 6th, 2011 7:53a.m.

Can you give me some example characters where you had gotten them wrong, put them in starred words, practiced them a lot, and now the intervals are very long? You're right that this shouldn't be happening, so when we figure it out we can fix it up. The intervals shouldn't be pushed back much at all when you're overpracticing like that, but maybe something in the starred words study mechanism is misfiring.

Mandarinboy   February 6th, 2011 8:11a.m.

I have e.g 亲. Go that right some months ago and when it now come back i got it wrong and put that as starred words and practiced a few times and now it is due in 20 months. Similar with e.g 就. Learned that a long time ago so it where scheduled for some months later review. It showed up today and mixed it up with something else so i marked it wrong and after a couple of minutes later i practiced again and got it right and did maybe 2 more reviews of it and now it is due in 8 month. My favorite is maybe this: 容. From time to time i just forget it and that I did today. Now it is due in 9 years. I have a terrible problem of getting characters in to my long term memory so for me it is just normal that i have to relearn every single character many, many times. I know that I have characters I have spend hours on learning (I have nuked many times to get a fresh restart). Not the fastest learner at Skritter but hey, i am still struggling:-)

Mandarinboy   February 6th, 2011 9:15a.m.

Oops, clearly my mistake. I assumed that the "my word" section only shown writing but it is actually a mix of tones and reading as well. Did not realize that. Yes, the tones are years in to the future ( have easier to remember them) and the writing are due in a few days. Really sorry for this, shame on me. I will check the pop up instead in the future since it has all the sections due dates.

nick   February 6th, 2011 11:27a.m.

Oh, yeah, that can be confusing, since each part has different due dates, but we can only show the due dates for one of the parts in the My Words table. A bit suboptimal, there, but haven't thought of anything clearer yet.

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