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Integrating Anki with Skritter

雅各   February 9th, 2011 3:23p.m.

Given I spend most of my time away from a computer I have recently started using Anki on my iPhone which is great as it means I can get so much more study done!

It would be really cool if there was some way to integrate what I am doing on Anki with Skritter.

I know there are a few anki users here, are there any tricks or tips you have for integration?

Byzanti   February 9th, 2011 3:58p.m.

Yeah, I keep Skritter for words, and anki for sentences. My integration is to do separate things with the two ;p...

I then put the sentences in the custom definition on Skritter.

InkCube   February 9th, 2011 4:11p.m.

That's pretty much what I'm starting to do now.

I'm putting the grammar example sentences and other sentences that I find interesting or unusual from my textbook in one Anki deck.
I've also just started that when I notice I have trouble to remember a certain word on skritter (it's usually one where I'm not quite sure how I would use it) to look for a couple sentences featuring that word and putting it into an anki deck.

I haven't been using those techniques for long, but so far I've noticed a big improvement in actually using grammar points and those troublesome words.

Bohan   February 10th, 2011 5:00a.m.

I hope an updated version of anki comes out. It's got a really crappy interface , as of now. I know it's free, but still

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