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Adding reading or definitions in the study settings

marchey   February 10th, 2011 6:20a.m.

Up till now I only studied writing and tones. When I activate either reading or defintions in my study settings, how will this be added to my work queue. All characters and words at once? Or only as they come up when they are due? Or only for new words? I tried it and instantly there were a few tens of words added to mu queue, but all of these easy ones, stuff that I studied ages ago, so I would like to know how it works exactly.


nick   February 10th, 2011 7:07a.m.

Only for new words. You can go back through lists you added before to get the missing parts for the old stuff, and they'll be added gradually as you progress through the lists.

marchey   February 10th, 2011 9:07a.m.

I understand but I had a look to a few of these lists. I really can not figure out how to change the settings.

In my study settings I have ticked the box 'Definitions' as I want to study those as well. I have tried calling up a list with status 'Finished' but I don't see what I need to do. Hitting the "Study .... List" again, doesn't seem to have any effect. The program starts asking me about the vocab of that list, but when I back out of this and go to my 'Study' page the status of this list is still "Finished". So I am not sure if this is what I am supposed to do.

I already studied 78 lists. Seems like a lot of work if I need to activate it list by list.

scott   February 10th, 2011 2:35p.m.

My set of projects will make it a lot easier than going through all 78 lists, but unfortunately going list by list is the only way to do it right now, at least from the front end. If you'd like, I can script through your lists and activate them all again from the first section of each.

To do it manually though, you click the 'study settings' link underneath the green button on the list page and select what sections you want it to go through. That will set it back to the beginning.

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