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why does the current poll only add up to 97% ?

Bohan   February 19th, 2011 9:02p.m.

I was looking at the current poll just now , and the numbers don't add up to 100.

I think it's because the bottom one that says "other" should have 3%, rather than 0%

Bohan   February 19th, 2011 9:07p.m.

I went and looked at the previous polls, and saw that none of them add up to 100, so I guess nothing is out of the ordinary. It's probably just the way the polls on this site are, but now I'm sort of curious why

nick   February 19th, 2011 9:14p.m.

We're doing the rounding wrong. I'll get that fixed. The totals should have read something like 21%, 58%, 7%, 14%, 1%, but instead of rounding up properly, it just truncated everything to the nearest integer: 21%, 57%, 6%, 13%, 0%.

Curse you, Python 2.5, and files which don't have "from __future__ import division" at the top!

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