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Identifying leeches

michau   March 12th, 2011 11:46a.m.


I feel I've been wasting a lot of time reviewing some items that don't seem to stick in my mind. I would like to suspend them for now and come back to them later, but it's hard to identify those items without some relevant statistics. Is it possible to search for items that took most of my time? Or for the ones that I failed to remember the highest number of times? That would be a tremendously useful feature.

dfoxworthy   March 13th, 2011 8:59a.m.

That would be cool. Or an option that allows you to study only your worst 10% of words or something.

nick   March 13th, 2011 9:36a.m.

I have it on the list. I also think it would be cool. I know I wasted something like 15 minutes trying to learn 陵墓 before realizing that I'd be much better off deleting it. Being able to identify those characters and words which are really hard for me and not very common before I waste all that time? Sounds good!

podster   March 13th, 2011 9:54a.m.

Ha ha, I'd be afraid I would use such a feature to outsmart myself: "I only want to learn words in the upper decile of easiness." What Nick is suggesting (I think) is cross referencing difficulty with frequency, so I can imagine that may be a challenge to implement. It might be a very helpful feature for teachers to get feedback from Skritter on which words are giving their students the most difficulty.

jww1066   March 13th, 2011 12:09p.m.

The way Anki does it is pretty simple. If you get a card wrong too many times, it gets flagged as a leech and suspended. You can then un-flag and -suspend it if you like, but I think a lot of people take that chance to restructure the information in a more digestible way.


michau   March 13th, 2011 12:59p.m.

A leech detection system similar to the one in Anki would be great. Even just possibility to sort "My words" according to the number of failures would be enough for me. I don't think we need anything more complicated.

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