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idea for newsletter

jww1066   March 17th, 2011 8:07p.m.

It would be nice to give people who are submitting lots of corrections some kind of recognition. I noticed that communpro has submitted lots of Spanish definitions, for example (thanks!). I don't think there's currently any system for recognizing this. What would you think of including a list of top submitters of definitions in the newsletter, ideally focusing on those who are adding corrections for the most-desperately-needed languages? I know many people do it out of the goodness of their heart but I think maybe the extra social attention would be a little kick for others who might otherwise not do it.


nick   March 17th, 2011 11:03p.m.

You know, we were trying to fit in something like this in the last newsletter, but we ran out of space. Actually, we were trying to thank you and the other volunteers for helping to correct the definitions!

We very much appreciate the help, both from those submitting definition corrections and those reviewing them. We're planning on doing a blog post soon. It might be tough for us to count up the top submitters for the newsletter right now, though, with our data a bit ruffled. Hmm. Will ponder a good way to count.

ChrisClark   March 18th, 2011 4:40a.m.

The help is indeed appreciated!

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